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河南摘着民快展越越。温遇些艺温温监测。便幅温。温,AT89C51、ADC080、9 LED、 LM324DS18B20字温传集境温核管温字温。汇编语序令执快省储。便展模块序逻辑洁协。首先,键 ,恒温温管 温.,温模拟A/D模拟 -字字管,止温恒温。键词传集模温IIAbstractWith the rapid development of Chinas national economy, the scope ofapplicationofheatingfurnacemore andmore widely.And heatingfurnace temperature control is in the process of industrial production often met inprocesscontrol,and some ofthe temperatureofa processcontrolhas a directeffecton the qualityof productsand productionthe people need to each heating furnace the temperature carry on the monitor and the control. Not only usesthe monolithic integrated circuit to come to them to control has the controlto be convenient, simple and flexibility big and so on merits, moreover may enhance large scale is accused the temperature technical specification, thus can big enhance the product the quality and quantity.In this paper, both hardware and software for automatic control of watertemperatureon the process,inthe controlof the main applicationof the process of AT89C51, ADC0809, LED display, LM324 comparator, but mainly through thedigitaltemperaturesensorDS18B20 collectingambienttemperaturetosingle-chip microcomputer as the core control components, and through fourreal-timedigitaldisplayofa digitalthermometertemperature.Softwareusing assembly language for programming, so that the implementation of Directivespeed,tosave storagespace.In ordertofacilitatethe expansionand changes tothedesignofmodularsoftwarestructure,sothatthelogicofthe relationshipbetweenprogramdesignmoreconcise,Hardwaresoftware co-operation under the control of it.And systematicprocessis:Firstofall,bysettingthebutton,setthe thermostat temperature at the time of operation, and digital display of thetemperature.Then, inthe runningtemperatureofthe processofsamplinganaloginto the A / D converter in the simulation - digital converter, and thenconverteddigitalcontrolwithdigitaldisplay,thelastsingle-chip microcomputertocontrolthe heaterused forheatingorstopheatinguntilthe temperature in the provisions under the constant temperature heating.Keywords:Single-chipmicrocomputersystemSensorData AcquisitionADCTemperature摘.IAbstract.I I1 绪.11.1 课题背景 .11.2 课题研究义.11.3 课题研究.21.4 课题研究.32.52.1展.52.2AT89C51绍 .62.2.1 AT89C51.62.2.2 AT89C51脚.72.3 ADC0809 模.112.4LM324.132.5寄74LS164.152.6管 LED.162.7字温DS18S20.温.183.3 模.执.214.234.1序.234.2序.244.3键.254.4.255展望 . 展望 .27献 .29谢 .30.31III河南1绪1.1 课题背景世纪展信息代伴着展温测。温词益温测繁词语着。测温。农恒温。温征温测农遍。温测、促民展。着年展微革命浪蓬勃兴已渗透、建、食、石油。传温集费费精温集问题好解。温。测温测艺温精。集精。传精温温触温触仪交触命年快展先温PID神遗传。些。模糊精便好。1.2 课题研究义。划燃、微。遍石油、10、滞、惯、难建精、建、轻、药诸领域。、温模困难传难好急解问题。留仪劳、粗、温集费费精已精、温集问题好解。集好积轻便字、智途。核便、精便好。1.3 课题研究研究课题温绍温、警温。温DS18S2、0 AT89C51LED温测DS18S20丝温警。温套 PID 闭反馈DS18S20测
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