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课堂教学设计 课题Unit 8 Natural disasters welcome to the unit period 1集体备课和个人修改意见教时1课型新授主备人laoyin备课时间2014年 12月 16日教学三维目标基础知识了解初步了解与本单元主题相关词汇掌握词汇:natural accident wash village lightning storm rainstorm thunder词组: start to rain half an hour later lose the game kill thousands of能力训练过程方法听说通过漫画引出自然灾害的话题。初步接触过去进行时。读能阅读本课的单词和comic strip写了解几种常见自然灾害的英文名称。情感态度价值观学会几种常见自然灾害的英文名称。教学四点纲要教学重点词汇:natural accident wash village lightning storm rainstorm thunder词组: start to rain half an hour later lose the final kill thousands of 教学难点disaster mop earthquake typhoon mop all the water up crash into a tree s课标点,中考点了解几种常见自然灾害的英文名称。教学五点设想1、 让学生分角色表演对话。表演结束后给予鼓励和表扬。2、 以自然灾害为话题,两人一组练习对话。3、 教师也可以组织一个比赛,让学生用四到五句描述自然灾害。4、 读读关于自然灾害的谚语。5、 学生两人一组模仿对话教学过程及内容教师活动学生活动集体备课和个人修改意见 Step 1 Lead-inWarm-up activities1 Read the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. Allow Ss enough time to make sense of the comic strip: heavy rainHobo is wet and cold.His house is wet. Try to elicit from Ss what might happened to Hobos house.2 Ask some open questions about each picture. * Whats the weather like? * What happened to Hobo? * What do you think happened o Hobos house?* How does he fell at Eddies home?* Why doesnt he want to go home alone?* Will Eddie help him?Ask two more able students to role-play the conversation.3 Elicit from Ss other bad weather conditions.Presentation1 Prepare Part A by providing more vocabulary to help Ss understand headlines in English.2 Ask students to consider whether the disasters are natural and tick the appropriate boxes. Ss can do it individually and then compare their answers with a partner. Check the correct answers with the whole class and elicit a definition for a natural disaster.4 Read the words in Part B and ask more able students to describe each weather condition only with simple phrases and words.5 Ask Ss to complete the task on their own and check the correct answers with the class as a whole.Language pointsNatural disasters, really warm, for too long, mop it up, lose the game, kill thousands of people, a car accident, crash into a tree, wash the village away, start a big fire Homework1 Learn the language points by heart.2 Preview the Reading Part.教师提问教师利用多媒体出示(1)布置自学任务(2)指导自学的方法(3)明确自学的要求(4)了解他们自学中的困难,教师巡视检查引导学生去思考、动脑放听力布置任务,小组讨论让学生自己总结自然灾难的特点在班里开展猜猜自然灾难的游戏教师布置作业自主学习充分准备 阅读、思考,对前面的知识进行迁移 仔细听老师的导入,并且能发现问题小组认真讨论学习自然灾难的内容学生各抒己见,能够正确的表达自然灾难学生做游戏板书设计Unit 1 Welcome to the unit词汇:natural accident wash village lightning storm rainstorm thunder 词组: start to rain half an hour later lose the game kill thousands of教学反思教学随笔- 4 - 内部资料 注意保存
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