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克井一中学生活动单 课题Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show ?(4)设计原则:学生有能力自学的知识教师引领学;不容易学懂的知识教师点拨学;拓展的知识师生共同学。学科英语姓名班级学习目标1. 培养学生的阅读理解能力,提高辨别是非的能力。2. 通过学习这篇文章,养成健康的喜好,从而保持精神上的健康。学习重点1. 能够正确的理解文章内容,并能根据文章完成文后的练习。2掌握四会词汇:culture famous appear become rich main. 活动步骤:一自主学习学习任务:任务1.了解美国文化,了解卡通片的历史。任务2. 通过描述,学习表达喜好以及原因。任务3.正确理解文章内容,完成文后练习题。二, 交流展示任务1. 小组代表表述重点句型,教师指导。任务2. 小组成员总结调查结果,学会写调查报告。任务3.同学根据所学认读四会单词,小组进行拼读比赛。三, 拓展延伸 1.Be famous for 因而出名,后接名词表示原因。New York is famous for its high buildings.2.Such as 例如;诸如此类的;像那样的。There are few poets such as Shelly.3. be ready to do something 愿意做某事I am ready to finish the homework.4.expect to do sth 期待做某事。I expect to go to Shanghai by plane.四、反馈达标( ) 1.Lin Pei is always late but I dont know the _. A. reason B. danger C. why ( )2.When I see Miss Gao, I _my aunt. A. think of B. am like C. think about ( )3.When Liu Qian _in the talent show , we all shouted happily. A. appeared B. expected C. hoped ( )4.I saw some boys _in the classroom , so I asked my teacher for help. A. fight B. fighting C. fought ( )5.We are ready _our seats to the old or the young. A. give B. giving C. to give ( )6.Why do you go to the history museum?Because its _. A. boring B. educational C. serious ( )7.The summer holiday is coming. I _to visit Yun Nan with my family. A. plan B. start C. take ( )8.Who broke the window?Lets _. A. find out it B. find it out C. look it for ( )9.My sister expected _good grades in this test. A. gets B. got C. to get ( )10.What do you think of soap operas?I cant _them . They are boring. A. mind B. stand C. like自我评价:小组评价:教师评价:
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