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基于linux 系统下安装postfix,dovecot,opwebmail 邮局服务器1、实验原理拓扑2、实验要求,1台liunx 服务器,1台xp客户端 要求必须可以连上internet。 先卸载sendmainrootser # yum remove sendmail安装postfix ,dovecot, rootser # yum -y install postfixrootser # yum -y install dovecot修改postfix的配置文件rootser # vim /etc/postfix/main.cf#myhostname = host.domain.tld 更改为: myhostname = mail.test.org (指定运行Postfix邮件系统的主机名称) #mydomain = domain.tld 更改为: mydomain = test.com (指定Postfix邮件系统使用的域名) #myorigin = $mydomain 更改为: myorigin =test.com (指定发件人所在的域名) #inet_interfaces = all 更改为: Inet_interfaces =all (指定Postfix邮件系统监视的网络接口) #mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain, mail.$mydomain 更改为: mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain, mail.$mydomain(指定Postfix接收邮件时收件人的域名) #mynetworks = host 更改为: mynetworks = host (指定您所在的网络地址118.126.16.220)重启postfix 服务rootser # service postfix restartShutting down postfix: OK Starting postfix: OK rootser # chkconfig postfix on rootser # chkconfig dovecot on 修改dovecot的配置文件vim /etc/dovecot.confprotocols = imap imaps pop3 pop3slisten = *在iptables里开放,110,143端口rootser # vim /etc/sysconfig/iptables-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state -state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -dport 110 -j ACCEPT-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state -state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -dport 25 -j ACCEPT-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state -state NEW -m tcp -p tcp -dport 143 -j ACCEPT重启iptablesrootser # service iptables restartFlushing firewall rules: OK Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: filter OK Unloading iptables modules: OK Applying iptables firewall rules: OK Loading additional iptables modules: ip_conntrack_netbios_n OK ntrack_ftp 测试服务是否正常启动。netstat ntlp |grep 25 检查smtp是否正常启动 - postfixnetstat ntlp |grep 110 检查pop3是否正常启动 - dovecot三、安装openwebmail.1、yum -y install perl、2、到http:/www.openwebmail.org/openwebmail/download/处下载如下文件包:openwebmail-2.53.tar.gz1 CGI.pm-3.05.tar.gz 2 Text-Iconv-1.2.tar.gz3 Digest-1.08.tar.gz 4 libiconv-1.9.1.tar.gz (非必须) 5 libnet-1.19.tar.gz6 Digest-MD5-2.33.tar.gz7 MIME-Base64-3.01.tar.gz分别对于他们进行编译安装:rootlinux CGI.pm-3.05# perl Makefile.PLChecking if your kit is complete.Looks goodWriting Makefile for CGIrootlinux CGI.pm-3.05# make; make installWriting /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/auto/CGI/.packlistAppending installation info to /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux-thread-multi/perllocal.podrootlinux openwebmail# tar zvxf libnet-1.19.tar.gzrootlinux openwebmail# cd libnet-1.19rootlinux libnet-1.19# perl Makefile.PLChecking for Socket.okChecking for IO:Socket.okChecking if your kit is complete.Looks goodAh, I see you already have installed libnet before.Do you want to modify/update your configuration (y|n) ? no no这里提示要不要对原有网络配置进行更新修改,我们选择noThis script will prompt you to enter hostnames that can be used asdefaults for some of the modules in the libnet distribution.To ensure that you do not enter an invalid hostname, I can perform alookup on each hostname you enter. If your internet connection is viaa dialup line then you may not want me to perform these lookups, asit will require you to be on-line.Do you want me to perform hostname lookups (y|n) ? yesThe following questions all require a list of host names, separatedwith spaces. If you do not have a host available for any of theservices, then enter a single space, followed by . To accept thedefault, hitEnter a list of available NNTP hosts : Enter a list of available SMTP hosts : Enter a list of available POP3 hosts : Enter a list of available SNPP hosts : Enter a list of available PH Hosts : Enter a list of available TIME Hosts : Enter a list of available DAYTIME Hosts : Do you have a firewall/ftp proxy between your machine and the internetIf you use a SOCKS firewall answer no(y|n) ? noNormally when FTP needs a data connection the client tells the servera port to connect to, and the server initiates a connection to the client.Some setups, in particular firewall setups, can/do not work using thisprotocol. In these situations the client must make the connection to theserver, this is called a passive transfer.Should all FTP connections be passive (y|n) ? yesWhat is your local internet domain name : If you specified some default hosts above, it is possible for me todo some basic tests when you run make testThis will cause make test to be quite a bit slower and, if yourinternet connection is via dialup, will require you to be on-lineunless the hosts are local.Do you want me to run these tests (y|n) ? yesTo allow Net:FTP to be tested I will need a hostname. This hostshould allow anonymous access and have a /pub directoryWhat host ca
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