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精品范文模板 可修改删除撰写人:_日 期:_2014年1月翻译试题(普通班) Part I Please translate the following sentences into Chinese with the designated translating methods. (10分,每题2分) 1. Neither party shall cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason.(减词法) 双方不得无故取消合同。 2. Such behavior couldnt long escape notice. (正反译) 这种行为迟早都会被发现的。 3. Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers. (拆分法) 男人们太聪明了,他们是不会上时装设计师的当。 4. If you dare to play the fox with me, Ill shoot you.( 引申法) 如果你敢和我耍滑头,我就毙了你。 5. He was puzzled that I did not want what was obviously a “step” toward what all Americans are taught to want when they grow up: money and power.(逆序法) 所有美国人受的教育都是长大成人后应该追求金钱和权力,而我却偏偏不愿意朝这个目标迈进,他对此大为不解。 Part II Please translate the following sentences into English with the designated translating methods. (10分,每题2分) 1. 人们通常认为,幸福就是生活富足,衣食无忧。( 主被动转译法) Happiness is generally believed to be leading a rich life without worrying about everyday needs. 2. 打得赢就打,打不赢就跑。(增词法) Fight when you can win; Move away when you can not win. 3. 这家小工厂经过技术改造,发展很快,使人惊讶不已。 (合并法) The small factory underwent a technological renovation, thus developing with surprising speed. 4. 我父亲根本不抽烟,而他抽起烟来一根接一根。(词性转译法) My father is a non-smoker, while he is a chain-smoker. 5. 一份报告发现,五年前,在16至19岁的青年人中,长期不接受教育的有16.1万人,占这个群体的9%。 (句序重组法) A report found that five years ago 161,000, or 9% of the age group, from 16 to 19, were outside of education for long periods. Part : Please translate the following passages into Chinese.(15%) The Olympic Games held in Berlin in August 1936 afforded the Nazis a golden opportunity to impress the world with the achievements of the Third Reich, and they made the most of it. The signs “Juden unerwuenscht (Jews Not Welcome) were quickly hauled down from the shops, hotels,beer gardens and places of public entertainment, the persecution of the Jews and of the two Christian churches temporarily halted, and the country put on its best behavior. No previous games had seen such a spectacular (very impressive or dramatic)organization nor such a lavish (very elaborate and impressive and a lot of money has been spent on it)display of entertainment. Nazi senior officials gave dazzling parties for the foreign visitors the Propaganda Ministers “Italian Night” gathered more than a thousand guests at dinner in a scene that resembled the Arabian Nights. The visitors,especially those from England and the United States, were greatly impressed by what they saw: apparently a happy, healthy, friendly people united under Hitler a far different picture, they said, than they had got from reading the newspaper. And yet underneath the surface, hidden from the tourists during those splendid late-summer Olympic days in Berlin and indeed overlooked by most Germans or accepted by them with a startling passivity(submission to others or to outside influences), there seemed to be to a foreigner at least a degrading transformation of German life. There was nothing hidden, of course, about the laws which Hitler decreed(decide or state officially) against the Jews or about the government-sponsored persecution of these hapless (unlucky)people. In many a town the Jew found it difficult if not impossible to purchase food. Over the doors of the grocery and butcher shops, the bakeries and the dairies, were signs, “Jews Not Admitted”. In many communities Jews could not procure (get by special effort)milk even for their young children. Pharmacies would not sell them drugs or medicine. Hotels would not give them a nights lodging. And always, wherever they went, were the taunting(unkind or insulting, especially about ones weaknesses or failures) signs “Jews Strictly Forbidden in This Town or “Jews Enter This Place at Their Own Risk”. Such was the plight(difficult or distressing situation that is full of problems) of the Jews at about the time the Festival of the Olympics was held in Germany. It was but the beginning of a road that would soon lead to their extinction by massacre(the savage and excessive killing of many people). 【译文】 1936年8月在柏林举办的奥运会给纳粹分子向世界吹嘘第三帝国的成就提供了大好机会,他们极尽所能,大肆炫耀。“犹太人恕不接待”的牌子悄然从商店,旅馆,啤酒馆以及公共娱乐场所撤下,对犹太人和两个基督教会的迫害也暂时停止了,全国都装出一副最守规矩的样子。以前任何运动会都没有过如此出色的组织工作,也从来没有如此不惜工本的款待。纳粹高官为外国客人们举行了豪华无比的宴会,宣传部长举办的“意大利之夜”晚宴招待了1000多位嘉宾,场面盛大堪比天方夜谭。客人们,尤其是英国和美国的游客,被眼前的一切深深打动:这显然是在希特勒领导下团结一致的快乐、健康和友善的民族。他们说,这与他们在报纸上读到的大相径庭。 (下一段专硕不包括) (然而,在这种外表之下,在柏林举办奥运会的那些兴高采烈的夏末的美好时光,游客们根本看不出德国的真实状况。甚至大多数德国人自己也忽视了,或者他们以一种令人惊奇的默默服从的态度接受了这一切。在正常、健康的表面下,德国社会似乎正在悄然蜕化,至少在一个外国人看来是如此。) 当然,关于希特勒所颁布的对付犹太人的法律,或者关于政府所发起的对这些不幸的人的迫害,是没有什么隐瞒的。在许多地方,犹太人要买食物都感到困难,如果说不是完全不可能的话。在杂货铺、肉铺、面包铺和乳制品商店的门上,都挂着“犹太人禁止入内”的牌子。在许多地方,犹太人甚至无法为他们的幼儿搞到牛奶,药房不卖药给他们,旅馆不让他们投宿。常常是,不论他们到哪里,总有“本市严禁犹太人入境”或者“犹太人进入后果自负”等侮辱性的牌子。 这就是大约在德国举行奥运盛会前后犹太人所处的困境,而这还只不过是一条很快就会通往他们遭到屠杀灭种的道路的开端。 Part : Please translate the following passage into English. (15%) 我谨代表所有美国客人向你们表示感谢,感谢你们无可比拟的盛情款待(hospitality)。中国人民以这种盛情款待而闻名世界。我不仅要特别赞扬那些
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