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Assignment for Word FormationI. Multiple choices 1. The new words produced from shortening including clipping and acronyms amount to of all the new words. A. 30% to 40% B. 28% to 30% C. 8% to 10% D. 1-5%2. is defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to stem. This process is also known as . A. derivation, affixation B. affixation, derivation C. derivative, affixation D. affixation, 3.De-, dis-, un- , in de-compose, disunite, unwrap, are called . A. pejorative prefixes B. negative prefixes C. reservative prefixes D. miscellaneous prefixes 4. Hyper-, macro-, mini-, sub-, super-, ultra-, belong to . A. prefixes of orientation B. prefixes of attitude C. prefixes of degree or size D. prefixes of time and order 5. belong to pejorative prefixes. A. anti-, contra-, counter-, pro- B. auto-, neo-, pan-, vice- C. de-, dis-, un- D. mal-, mis-, pseudo- 6. Pan-European means . A. for Europe B. against Europe C. the whole of Europe D. former Europe 7.Profiteer, engineer, priestess, kitchenette, booklet are called . A. concrete deverbal nouns B. concrete denominal nouns C. abstract denominal nouns D. abstract deverbal nouns 8. Productivity, happiness, largeness fall into the group of . A. Deverbal nouns B. Denominal nouns C. De-adjective nouns D. De-adverb nouns 9. belong to deverbal suffixes. A. -able, -ive B. -ly, -ward C. -ate, -en D. -ful, -less, 10. When we use a green hand to mean an inexperienced person, a black horse to mean an unexpected winner, we should read them as . A. a green hand, a black horse B. a green hand, a black horse C. a green hand, a black horse D. a green hand, a black horse 11. Sometimes, the meaning of a compound can be inferred from its separate elements, for example, . A. hot dog B. red meat C. flower pot D. fat head 12. The following can be changed into plural forms by adding inflectional -s directly to their ends, except . A. brother-in-law B. threeyear-old C. major general D. new-born 13. Which group of the following are acronyms? A. VOA, AIDS, BASIC, D-Day B. CORE, Laser, TOEFL, NATO C. G-man, BBC, BASIC, NATO D. TV, ID, TB, UFO14. The most productive means of word-formation in modern English are the following except . A. compounding B. affixation C. acronymy D. conversion15. “Omnibus, earthquake, discotheque” are replaced by “bus, quake, disco” respectively in the way of . A. conversion B. clipping C. acronymy D. backformation II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. 1. A rule of word-formation is usually identical with a syntactic rule. 2.Word-formation rules themselves are not fixed but undergo changes to a certain extent. 3. Affixes like “-th”are very productive in current English. 4. The chief function of prefixes is to change the word class of the stems. 5. The primary function of suffixes is to change the meaning of the stem. 6. Compounds are words formed by combining affixes and stems. 7. “-age, -al, -ance, -ation, -ence”in “linkage, dismissal, attendance, protection, existence” can produce largely concrete nouns by being added to verb stems. 8. The meaning of a compound is usually the combination of stems. 9. The free phrase has the primary stress on the first element and the secondary stress, if any, on the second. 10. In both compounds and free phrases the adjective element can take inflectional suffixes. 11. Conversion is only a change of grammatical function of a lexical item with no loss of its different range of meaning originally conveyed. 12. A fully converted noun from an adjective has all the features of nouns except taking an indefinite article or, -(e)s to indicate singular or plural number. 13. Generally, conjunctions, modals, finite verbs, prepositions cant be converted to nouns. 14. Although blends and backformed words have already achieved popularity in English, they are not advisable to be used frequently in formal writing. III. Fill in the blanks, the first letter of each word is given. 1. Affixation falls into two subclasses: p_and s_ . 2. The most productive means of word formation are a_ ,c_and c_. 3. Bi-, m_ , semi-,t_,u_ fall into the category of number prefixes. 4. Suffixes can be grouped into n suffixes, v suffixes, a suffixe
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