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五年级期中英语试卷及答案2014-2015 学年度 第一学期期中试卷五 年 级 英 语名姓(考生注意:本卷满分100 分,考试时间:60 分钟)题号一二三四五六七总分评卷人复核人得分得分评卷人号考一、补全单词。( 20 分)t(阿姨 )ese(汉语 )(知道 )p(地图 )t(西方 )y(灰白的 )sin(表兄弟 )s(眼镜 )th(南方 )ily(家庭)得分评卷人二、英汉互译。(20 分)校学1.speak English2.去公园3.Buckingham Palace4.念书5.Statue of Liberty6.吃晚饭7.police officer8.去漫步9.play checkers10.the Palace Museum1得分评卷人三、按要求填空,你准行。 (10 分)1.beach( 复数 )2.young( 比较级 )3.have( 第三人称单数 )4.daughter(对应词 )5.go( 第三人称单数 )得分评卷人四、依据句意,选择一个正确答案。 (20 分)。()1. I have two.A. grandmotherB. grandmothersC. grandfather()2. North points upa map.A. inB. atC. on()3. What country is eastChina?A. atB. ofC. in()4. Thesethe Rocky Mountains.A. isB. amC. are()5. He is olderJenny.A. thanB. thatC. then()6. Whatthey look like?A. doesB. doC. are()7.does she go to work?A. WhatB. What colourC. How()8. Sheto watch TV.A. likesB. likeC. likees2()9. Do you see a little flagAustralia s flag?A. atB. insideC. of()10. What colourher hair?A. amB. areC. is得分评卷人五、请把以下单词构成完好的句子,注意大小写和标点符号。(10 分)1. busashedriveris.2. Australiaiswhere?3. likesmytoworkunclethecomputeron.4. dospeakthewhattheyU.K.in?5. isinwhatitEnglish?得分评卷人六、情形选择。 (10 分)() 1.当你想知道美国人讲什么语言时,应说:A. Is the U.S east of China?B. What do they speak in the U.S.?C. Can you speak English?() 2.当你想知道中国的国旗是什么颜色时,应说:3A. What colour is China?B. What is the flag of China?C. What colour is the flag of China?() 3. 问他人是做什么的,你会说:A. What do you do?B. What are you doing?C. What do you like to do?() 4.问他人喜爱做什么,你会说?A. What are you going to do?B. What do you do?C. What do you like to do?() 5.当你想表达自己步行去上学时,应说:A. I drive to school.B. I go to school by bus.C. I walk to school.得分评卷人七、依据提示,写出国家英文名称。 (10 分)1.Its capital city is Beijing.2.It has kangaroos and beaches.s north of the U.S.4.It has a king or a queen.5.Its capital city is Washington, D.C.42012-2013学年度第一学期五年级英语期中试卷答案一、二、 1.说英语2.go to the park3.白金汉宫4.read a bookread books5. 自由女神像6.have supper7.警察8.go for a walk9.下棋10. 故宫三、四、 1-5: B C B C A6-10: B C A B C五、 1. She is a bus driver.2. Where is Australia?3. My uncle likes to work on the computer.4. What do they speak in the U.K.?5. What is it in English?六 1-5:B C A C C七4. U.K.5. U.S.5
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