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必修1 Module 6 单元测试题第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。ASt. Olaf Lineman (前锋)CampIn an effort to help high school football players develop to their full potential, St. Olaf College offers the learning camp for lineman players.This is a two-day camp, open to any lineman entering grades 9-12 in the fall of 2019. Unlike most summer camps, this is not a camp just for fun. It gives the opportunity for players of all skill levels to work on basic skills that are proven to translate into improved game-day performance. Register (注册)online or print an online form and mail it.Time: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. on July 13 & 14, 2019Cost: $110 (including instruction, T-shirt and lunch)What to bring: Helmet, shoulder pads, mouth guard, cleats, practice jersey, and gym shoes (in case of rain). If you cannot bring your pads and helmet from your high school, you can rent them from St. Olaf College for $20 each for your camp.St. Olaf Swim Camps“Our goal is to provide each swimmer with the necessary tools to become the best swimmer he or she can be today, next week, and in the years to come.” Coach Bob Hauck Session 1: July 12-16, 2019 Session 2: July 19-23, 2019 Session 3: July 26-30, 2019Excellence has become a trademark (标志)of St. Olaf Swim Camps for more than 30 years because of the instructors, Bob Hauck and Dave Hauck. Our coaches provide a learning environment that is exciting, fun, and challenging.The camps are designed for high school students who are going to complete their senior year. The camps provide a great experience on the beautiful St. Olaf College campus in Northfield, Minnesota. 1. St. Olaf Lineman Camp would attract someone who wants to _.A.become a better goalkeeperB.get accepted into St. Olaf CollegeC.improve his or her football skills as a linemanD.have fun with others through various activities2.What do we know about the sessions of St. Olaf Swim Camps?A.Each session lasts five days.B.There are four sessions altogether.C.They will all take place in June, 2019.D.Bob Hauck isnt a coach of the camps.3.Who can take part in St. Olaf Swim Camps?A. Any kid who is interested in swimming.B.Any high school student who loves swimming.C.Seniors in high school who cannot swim well.D.Students who have finished their second year in high school.4.The text is meant to _.A.advertise some campsB.advertise St. Olaf CollegeC.encourage us to learn to swimD.tell us how to spend the summer holidayBMore than 250,000 Americans alone have spinal-cord (脊髓) injuries, according to experts at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. Some 118,000 of these people can use neither their arms nor their legs. For these people, using a computer is a big difficulty. Some researchers have invented ways for such people to control a computer using brain waves or the movements (移动)of their eyes. But theyre riot easy for those who need them to use. After learning about the situation, Emma Mogus decided to take action.Emma, 17, is a 12th grader at White Oaks Secondary School in Oakville, Canada. She has come up with an easier way for many such people to control a computer: using their tongue. She showed her invention at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair recently. Created by Society for Science & the Public and supported by Intel, this years competition brought together more than 1,750 students from 75 countries.Emma built a prototype (模型)of her device using simple parts. The main part is a mouth guard, like those used by football players or other athletes. Emma made five holes in the mouth guard that a tongue could reach: two on the left side, two on the right, and one in the front. She placed a pressure-sensitive switch (开关)in each hole. Four of the switches act like the up, down, left and right arrows on a computer keyboard. The fifth acts like the “click” button on a computer mouse. Together, all of these parts cost less than $10. Emma, s prototype sends a signal to a computer through a wire. But future ones could be designed to send those signals wirelessly (无线地),she notes.In tests, volunteers were able to quickly learn how to use Emmas device. After just some time, they were using the computer more quickly and typing more words per minute than when they started. Emma thinks that her invention could be useful for far more people than just those with spinal-cord injuries. People with other conditions might use the device, too.5.Emma Mogus decided to take action to_.A.try to treat people with spinal-cord injuriesB.help people control a computer using brain wavesC.control a computer through the movements of eyesD.help people with spinal-cord injuries use a computer easily6.What are the holes in the mouth guard used for?A.Helping users breathe easily.B.Placing some “click” buttons in them.C.Allowing users to learn about the device.D.Allo
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