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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank NoteWarming Up & Reading () Teaching aims:1. Learn about Mark Twains plays.2. Enable students to understand the details about the whole scene.3. Retell the scene using the key words of the whole scene.4. Enable students to read and hear natural language in a dramatic context and increase their self-confidence in using English.Lead in Discuss: Is money everything?Money Is Not EverythingMoney can buy a house, but not a homeMoney can buy a bed, but not sleepMoney can buy a clock, but not timeMoney can buy a book, but not knowledgeMoney can buy you a position, but not respectMoney can buy you medicine, but not healthMoney can buy you blood, but not life The Million Pound Bank NoteWarming up Read the short passage quickly and fill in the chart.Real nameMeaning of his pen nameBirth dateBirthplacePlace where he grew upHis famous storiesFill in the blanks.Real name Meaning of his pen nameBirth dateBirthplacePlace where he grew upHis famous storiesMark Twain:(1835-1910)Mark Twains famous works (good at writing about childrens adventures)Fast-readingTask 1: Answer the questions:1. What is the style of this text?A. A narration(记叙文) . B. An exposition(说明文) .C. An argumentation . D. A drama(戏剧) . 2. Characters : 3. Who is the main character? Where does he come from?While-reading Task 2: Read Act one again, then fill in the following form.NowHenry was _ in London and wandering in the street.Just at that timeRoderick _ him and asked him to step inside a moment. To Henrys surpriseRoderick gave Henry a _ with money in it.Task 3. SkimmingReading strategy: Go through the play for the general idea of the play. Dont worry about the language.1. Answer the following questions:(1) Where does Henry Adams come from? Does he know much about London?Henry comes from San Francisco. No, he doesnt know London at all.(2) What did he do in America?He worked for a mining company.(3) Why did he land in Britain?He was sailing out of the bay when he was carried out to sea by a strong wind and was spotted by a ship for London.2. Put the following events in correct order.Henry wandered in London streets.About a month ago Henry Adams was sailing out of the bay.The next morning he was spotted by a ship.Towards nightfall he found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind.On the ship he earned his passage by working as an unpaid hand.While-readingTask 4. Detailed-readingReading strategy: Read the play carefully and try to get as much information as possible. Try to keep them in mind.Answer the following questions:1. Why was Henry lost in London? Because it was his first trip to London.2. How did he get there?He was spotted and brought to London by a ship by working as an unpaid hand after being carried out to sea by a strong wind.3. What questions did the brothers ask Henry about? What about his plans, what about his job in America and how much money he has.4. What is the concern of the brothers?How much money he has.5. Can you imagine what happened when Henry went to the American embassy ? Give your reasons.He received no help. He was not anxious and hungry, eager for a job if the American embassy offered him help.6. Why do you think that the brothers chose Henry for their bet?Because they think Henry is hard-working, honest and penniless.7. Can you guess why the brothers do not permit Henry to open the letter until 2 oclock ?They are afraid that Henry will refuse the bank note.Retell the storyThe story happened in _ in _. Henry, a businessman who came from _landed in Britain _. He earned his _by working as an _ hand. He was _in thestreet in_. Two old and rich brothers gave him a million pound bank note because they had made a _. Post-readingThink about and discuss what kind of person Henry was.Henry was?It is my first trip here.Well, I cant say that I have any plans. Well, to be honest, I have none (no money) .HonestI earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand.Could you offer me some kind of work here?I dont want your charity. I just want an honest job.hard-workingWell, it may seem lucky to you but not to me. If this is your idea of some kind of joke, I dont think its very funny. Now, if youll excuse me, I think Ill be on my way.direct/straightforwardWhat can we learn from this story?We shouldnt judge people by appearance.DiscussionSuppose a rich person gives you a million pound bank note, what will you do with it? HomeworkRewrite the play into a story in your own words.
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