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2023年中考英语模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、He _ work on the farm every day. Im sure about that because his skin is very black.AcantBmayCmustDcouldnt2、In France you_put bread on the table.You are not supposed to put it on the plate.AshouldntBare supposed toCwould like toDwill3、Mr Wangs work goes _teaching ,and he always thinks of the children first and takes good care of them.Yes, he was praised as one of the “People Who Moved Yangzhou”AbeyondBbesideCbehindDbetween4、Whats this in the picture, Tony?Oh, its the building _ we built ten years ago.AwhereBthatCwhatDwhen5、_ does the T-shirt belong to? Is it Johns? I dont think so. Its too small for him.AWhoseBWhatCWho6、The man with a black hat was seen the shopping mall just now.Aenter Bentering Centered Dto enter7、- Learning a foreign language is not easy. It takes time.- I agree. _. Theres no short cut.AAll roads lead to Rome.BRome wasnt built in a day.CPractice makes perfect.DBetter late than never.8、What _news made them so down? Im worried about them.AsadBhappyCexcitingDgood9、About of the earth covered with water, but we have less and less fresh water.Athree-fourth; areBthree-fourths; isCthree-fourth; areDthree-fourths; are10、Being a full-time mother is_ salaried(有薪水的) job in the world, because the salary is all the love from her children.Ahigh Bhigher Cthe higher Dthe highest. 完形填空11、 I always enjoyed singing. However, I was very shy and I 1 sang in front of others. So when I heard that our school choir(合唱团)needed a girl, I thought, “This is my chance to be a 2 , but as part of a team. ”But when we got started, the choir teacher said we would have many 3 ,and everyone would have to do a solo(独唱). I was nervous(焦虑)all week about having to sing in front of many people. 4 the day of the first practice, I told the choir teacher I decided to leave the choir.That night, the choir teacher came to my home. She wanted me to sing a song to 5 . At first, I was too nervous to sing a word. “Don t let your fear(恐惧) stop you from being all you can be,” she said . That made me 6 . “ Maybe I could give it a try,” I said to myself. I sang loudly and clearly. It felt really 7 .“Cathy,” the teacher said, “I have two pieces of news to tell you. One is that I will invite you to 8 the choir again. The other is that you will be the soloist(独唱者).You re too good to be in the back. 9 you do it?”I still felt nervous, 10 on the inside, I was happy. “Yes, I can” I said1AevenBneverCstillDonly2AwriterBteacherCsingerDscientist3ApracticesBexamplesCholidaysDproblems4AFromBForCAtDOn5AhimBherCthemDyou6AforgetBaskCthinkDrun7AwarmBrealCrightDgreat8AjoinBstartCreachDimprove9AShouldBMightCNeedDCan10AsoBifCbutDbecause. 语法填空12、Do you know Stephen Hawking? Hes one of the most well-known 1(scientist)on space and time in the world. He was born in England in 1942. Hawking is 2(study)how the universe began and how it ends.When he studied math and science at Oxford University, he fell 3(serious) ill, which made him unable to speak or breathe. Till now, he cant move or feed 4(him). however, he has a wheelchair with 5 special computer, with which he can communicate with others.6he was facing all these difficulties, he refused to give up his hope of living. Because 7 his illness, it was difficult for him to draw diagrams or to write. So he started 8(think) in pictures. With this new way of thinking, he is respected by people in the world.Once he 9(invite) to China to give lectures. His self-confidence and humorous conversations impressed us deeply.He once said, “When something unfair happens, 10 is no need to worry about it! You just have to do the best in your own situation.”. 阅读理解A13、The young man went to a town and worked there. He did not have a wife so a servant(仆人) did the work in his house.The young man liked laughing a lot. He nailed(钉钉子) the servants shoes to the floor on Monday, and then laughed, because the servant put his feet in them and fell down.The servant was not angry, but smiled.Then the young man put brushes in his bed on Tuesday. The servant got into bed and hit the brushes with his feet. He was afraid. The young man laughed loudly again. Again the servant was not angry, but smiled.Then on Wednesday the young man said to his servant, “Youre a nice, kind man. I am not going to be unkind to you again.”The servant smiled and said, “And Im not going to put any more mud(淤泥) from the street in your coffee.”1The young man went to a town
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