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精品资料Unit 2 This is my sister. Section B (1a1d)练习.根据图示用适当的词填空1Tom is Dave and Annas _.2Bruce is Dave and Annas _.3Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith are Bobs _.4Mary is Bobs _.5Anna is Daves _.6Bob is Dave and Annas _.7Jenny is Bobs _.8Tom and Bruce are _.9Tom is Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smiths _.10Anna is Tom and Marys _.选择恰当的选项,补全对话A:Whats this,Lucy?B:1._A:Its nice.B:2._A:Is this your father?B:3._A:Is this girl your sister?B:4._A:Whats her name?B:Helen.A:5._ B:HELEN,Helen.A:6._B:Yes.This is Tony and this is Peter.A.Thank you.B.Yes,she is.C.Are these boys your brothers? D.No. Its my uncle.E.Its my family photo.F.How do you spell her name?.看图,根据汉语提示补全句子1This is _(我的家庭照)2The old man is _(我的祖父)3The old woman is _(我的祖母)4The man and the woman _(是我的父母亲)5The boy _(是我的弟弟)and the girl is me.阅读理解This is my family.My grandpas name is Harry Brown.My grandmas name is Jean Brown.My fathers name is Jeff Brown.My mothers name is Helen Brown.Jeff and Helen are my parents.I have a sister.Her name is Kate Brown.My name is Jim Brown.I am ten.My sister is eight.Jims Family Tree请阅读短文, 完成下面的任务任务一:将人名填在图画的相应方框内。任务二:根据图画和短文内容, 回答下列问题。1How old is Jim Brown?_2Is that girl his sister?_3Is Helen Brown his grandmother?_4Whats his grandfathers name?_5Is Jeff Brown his brother?_参考答案. 1. father 2. uncle3. grandparents 4. aunt5. sister 6. cousin 7. mother 8. Brothers 9. son 10. daughter. 1.E 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.F 6.C . 1. my family photo2. my grandfather3. my grandmother4. are my parents5. is my brother . 任务一:A.Jean BrownBHarry BrownCHelen BrownDJeff BrownEKate Brown任务二:1. He is ten.2. Yes, she is.3. No, she isnt.Shes his mother. 4. His name is Harry Brown.5. No, he isnt.Hes Jims father.
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