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(牛津初中英语总复习) 7B Unit 6一.【精选词汇】重点短语1. bring me my lunch把我的午饭拿来 bring sb sthbring sth to sb把某物带给某人 (p92)2. watch it swim around看它游来游去,hold it in my hand,feed her carrots喂她胡萝卜 (p93)3. on my lap在我的膝部 laptop便携式电脑, desktop computer台式机, notebook 笔记本电脑4. teach it to speak教它说话teach sb (how) to do sth教某人如何做某事5. the cleverest animal of all所有动物中最聪明的of all, of the three是最高级的标志。 (p94)6. do wonderful tricks玩精彩的把戏 play tricks on开的玩笑7. build me camps out of sticks用树枝给我搭帐篷build sth out of用某物搭建8. on top ofat the top of在的顶端,in the middle of在的中间,on the edge of在的边缘, in a cardboard box,in the cupboard在碗厨里,rhyme with和押韵9. like sitting on the sofa, sleep on my lap, make a lot of noise, ring the doorbell按门铃10. get tired累了;疲劳,sleep in the armchair在椅子上睡觉,look so beautiful in the sun11. at the bottom of在的底部反义:at the top of/on top of在的顶端 (p102)12. take sth out of把从中取出 e.g. Dont take your goldfish out of the water.13. listen to a talk on the fantail fish listen to a talk听报告,give a talk作报告 (p103)知识链接listen to a talk about/on听有关的报告,give a talk about/on作有关的报告14. be/look different from与不同,be/look a little different from看起来与有点不同 e.g. 知识链接be different from反义:be the same ase.g. The fantail fish looks a little different from other goldfish. look the same看起来很像,look like看起来像15. play with balls and pieces of string玩球和线团play with玩, Dont play with fire. (p105)词汇解析1. fight n.战役;战斗;打架;斗争 e.g. They will win the fight. 注意:打架是a fight, 吵架是a quarrel;war是大规模的战争,battle是大规模战争(war)中的一个战役,fight是个人与个人之间的战斗。vi.战争;打架 fight against/with与交战/打架,fight for为而战,fight fought fought e.g. England fought against/with Germany. vt.作战fight a fight打了的一仗,fight a good fight dream adream做了一个的梦,dream a strange dream live alife过着的生活, live a happy life.2. She always hides herself in the cupboard. hide oneself地点,躲藏在某地3. He learns to repeat the words I say.他学会重复我说的话。 (p97)知识链接learn to do sth学会做某事 (that/which) I say是定语从句修饰先行词words。4. pull拉push推,Dont pull the rabbits ears.不要拽/拉扯兔子的耳朵。注意pull的尾字母l与拼音l。5. brush vt.刷brush ones teeth刷牙 n.刷子复数brushes, toothbrush牙刷toothbrushes6. own adj.自己的 vt.拥有owner所有者;拥有者;主人7. speaker n.扬声器;说话人;操某种语言的人 e.g. We are Chinese speakers.8. care vi.介意;在乎,care about关心, care more about多关心, care only about只在乎二.【重点句型】1. Pets can be great friends, but they need special care and attention. (p92)2. He doesnt just chase and catch a ball. 他不仅追赶球而且接球。chaserun after追赶 (p94)知识链接该句He not only chases a ball but also catches a ball.3. With eyes open wide, he hunts when I hide. hunt forlook for寻找知识链接He hunts when I hide.He looks around for me while I hide. look around for四处寻找4. Ill look after him until the end.I will always take care of him. 5. She isnt any trouble.她不烦人。be in trouble处于困难中,get into trouble陷入困境;惹麻烦用法拓展trouble n.烦恼e.g. Whats your trouble? vt.打扰;麻烦e.g. Im sorry to trouble.6. We dont have to feed her much. dont have todont need toneednt不必7. Dogs like lots of exercise. It is necessary to walk them in the park once a day. If you have a rabbit, its a good idea to clean its hutch every day. (p100)知识链接It be形容词或名词to do sth. It是形式主语,to do sth是真正主语。8. Im busy at work all day. be at workbe working在工作be busy at work忙于工作 (p101)9. You should get a book about the right way to look after birds.the right way to do sth10. Make sure the water is not too cold or too hot. Make surethat从句,确保 (p102)知识链接notorneithernor既不也不make sure务必使;查明,弄清楚make sure to do sth一定要 e.g. Make sure to check your homework before handing it in. make sure of/about doing sth e.g. Arrive earlier tomorrow to makesure of catching the first bus.11. Goldfish are easy to look after.It is easy to look after goldfish. (p104)知识链接Sth be形容词to do.It be形容词to do sth. “学英语有用。”有两种翻译:English is useful to learn. It is useful to learn English.12. You must keep her on a lead. keep sth on a lead给拴上链子 (p107)13. Look at the sign. What does it say? It says, “All dogs must be on leads.” 知识链接say(书面材料或可见的东西)提供信息;指示 e.g. The notice said “Keep out.” The clock said three oclock. The instructions say that we should put it in cool places.三.【语法详解】祈使句、情态动词should, shouldnt, must, mustnt 祈使句祈使句是表示请求、命令、建议等的句子,通常也称“无主句”。句子的主语是第二人称you,you常被省略。句尾可以用感叹号或句号。祈使句有三种形式:肯定式、否定式、let引导。肯定祈使句:这种祈使句是初级英语中常见的句式之一,有时为了加强语气,在动词原形前加do或在句尾加上称呼语。有时为了表达客气的语气,常在句首或句尾加please;在句尾加称呼语时,要用逗号将其与句子的前部分隔开。e.g. Write the new words in your notebooks. Please open the window. Do make sure to call me.否定祈使句:在动词原形之前加do not, dont或never,就变成了否定的祈使句。e.g. Dont stop reading. Do not leave the stove on. Never give up.let引导的祈使句:以let引导的句子也是祈使句,常用于表示建议或表明说话者的态度。e.g.Lets go out for a walk. Let me help you. Let us discuss
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