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-高中英语 Unit 4 Pygmalion测试练习 新人教版选修8Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)一、单项填空(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处旳最佳选项。1. Hi, John. ? I had a great time. My family went to the Great Wall.A. How was your holiday B. What were you doing C. How long have you been there D. Why did you think so2. Although he is not very rich, he is ready to help others in need of help. A. the; theB. /; theC. /; / D. the; /3. People are so busy today that they often all sorts of warning signals about their health.A. avoidB. overlook C. betray D. abandon4. as monitor of his class, Jack felt so exited.A. To be electedB. To electC. Electing D. Elected5. Because there was no room for between the two car companies, their trade talks finally broke down.A. assumption B. compromiseC. adjustment D. remark6. Sammy ran out of the classroom, all the way home, to tell his parents the good news.A. whistledB. to whistle C. having whistledD. whistling 7. To quickly find them out in your bookcase, youd better your books according to subject.A. settle B. plan C. classify D. indicate8. The medical experts pointed out that, , this kind of flu virus would spread quickly and widely.A. unless treating it in timeB. if not in time treating it C. unless treated in timeD. if treated not in time 9. Mr. Jones is quite suitable for the job both his theoretical knowledge and practical experience.A. in terms of B. in expectation of C. in place of D. in possession of10. several times, but unfortunately, the boy still couldnt solve the problem on his own.A. Having been explained B. The problem had been explained C. The problem having been explained D. Although the problem had been explained11. You were mistaken John, for he really has little acquaintance painting. A. about; with B. of; about C. about; ofD. of; with 12. Mary dreamed of travelling abroad, so when the chance arose she didnt to take it.A. pauseB. hesitateC. avoidD. bother13. On the table Linda had left for her mother before going out.A. did a letter lieB. lying a letterC. lay a letterD. a letter lay14. The boy stood there in horror, listening attentively, until the sound .A. left outB. faded outC. went outD. gave out15. When with a friendly “hello”, Sophie always smiles back to her neighbors. A. to greetB. greetingC. being greetedD. greeted二、完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给旳四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处旳最佳选项。At 8:30 pm I finished closing up my cafe. I had been busy all day long, so I was eager to get home to have a 16 . A car pulled into the car park, and a woman and four youths got out. The woman looked quite 17 . She told me that while she was 18 home on an unfamiliar country road, her car had slipped off the road. 19 , she was unhurt. The youths gave her a 20 and brought her to where shed be able to make a 21 . She telephoned her husband, who was looking after their baby. So she 22 to call a tow truck (救险车).She was about 100km from home and hoped that her car would be 23 once it was pulled out. I knew it was going to cost her a fortune to get a tow truck, 24 I phoned my husband. He 25 and said he would arrive soon. The three of us headed off up the 26 in search of the car. It took nearly an hour to 27 it. Later, after a few failed 28 to move the car and the same number of 29 ropes, my husband went to a rural fire brigade (消防队) officers house and 30 their towing rope. Back at the scene, through lots of efforts, it came 31 . My husband drove the car back to our place and made sure it was 32 to drive. Then she phoned her husband to 33 him she was on her way home. She was very thankful, and tried to 34 us. But we refused for it hadnt cost us anything but 35 . We felt so pleased at what we had done. 16.A. talkB. restC. walkD. look17.A. disappointedB. puzzledC. worriedD. shocked18.A. walkingB. movingC. drivingD. flying19.A. FortunatelyB. FurthermoreC. GenerallyD. However20.A. messageB. serviceC. methodD. lift21.A. callB. decisionC. planD. point22.A. expectedB. promisedC. rememberedD. aimed23.A. preparedB. usable C. qualifiedD. repairable24.A. asB. or C. soD. if 25.A. managedB. agreedC. arguedD. started26.A. mountainB. parkC. riverD. road27.A. findB. continueC. behaveD. prepare28.A. stepsB. hopesC. attemptsD. exercises29.A. looseB. longC. strongD. broken30.A. tightenedB. borrowedC. createdD. bought31.A. inB. backC. overD. out32.A. safeB. easyC. fastD. new33.A. ask B. tell C. warm D. declare34. A. payB. treatC. praiseD. gr
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