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2023中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号和座位号填写在试题卷和答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试卷类型(B)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。将条形码粘贴在答题卡右上角条形码粘贴处。2作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试题卷上。3非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。4考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、We are not supposed to the bus until the bus stops.Thats right. Safety comes first.Aput offBget offCtake offDgo off2、_ challenges actively, and then youll try your best to overcome them and you will become a better person.ATo faceBFaceCFacingDFaces3、-Look! There_ so many noisy kids in the room!-Havent you heard the saying “When the cat is away, the mice _?”Ahave; play Bis; are going to playChave; are playing Dare; will play4、Does she like singing English songs?Yes. She _ to sing English songs in her room.Aoften doesBis often heardCoften hears5、I like many different kinds of flowers, _ roses , Carnations, sunflowers and so on .Awith Bincluding Cexcept Dfrom6、The old woman was born _ Feb. 7th, 1950 _ Beijing.Ain; atBon; inCat; inDin; on7、 What are you doing now, Kate? I an email to my friend.Awrite Bam writing Cwrote Dhave written8、More than 2000 delegates voted _Xi Jinping _the chairperson of the PPC_the morning of March 17, 2018.Aas, as, inBfor, as, onCas, for, onDfor, for, in9、Tim, put on your coat, or you may have cold on such a cold day.OK, Mom.AaBanCtheD/10、Mum, I think Im _to get back to school.Not really, my dear. Youd better stay at home for another day.Aso well Bso goodCwell enough Dgood enough. 完形填空11、 Thanksgiving was almost here. The menu had been set. The shopping list had been made. 1 seemed perfect. I could taste turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes. Pictures of strawberry sauce and pumpkin pie flashed through my 2 . I licked my lips. There would also be sweet potatoes, apples, vegetables and mushrooms. I couldnt 3 !The day 4 Thanksgiving my dad called a family meeting. He said we needed to practice being 5 . “Therefore, on Thanksgiving Day we are going to 6 at a homeless shelter(避难所).” I couldnt believe this was happening. So we wouldnt cook our own Thanksgiving dinner. The holiday wouldnt be the same. I thought the 7 would be ruined(毁掉). My heart sank.The next morning, we woke up early to go to the shelter. I had 8 great expectations. As soon as we arrived, we got to work. There was so much to be done. 9 all I could think about was the dinner I couldnt enjoy, I was so disappointed.Those thoughts 10 disappeared. Over the next few hours, I watched hundreds of people 11 the shelter. For some, this was the only hot meal they would eat that week. For others, it was their first time to eat a Thanksgiving meal. People were so 12 . Laughter filled the shelter.Through this experience I 13 that it is more meaningful to give than to receive. When I gave up what I wanted, I discovered how much I 14 . Finally, I got to understand Thanksgiving is a time to look for 15 to bless(祝福) others. In the end, that Thanksgiving became a memorable experience.1ANothingBSomethingCEverythingDAnything2AmindBmouthCeyeDnose3AunderstandBhelpCwaitDstand4AafterBbeforeConDfrom5AhopefulBhelpfulCrelaxedDpleased6Agive outBcome outCwork outDhelp out7AweekBmonthCyearDday8AsomeBmanyCmoreDno9ABecauseBSoCButDAlthough10AquicklyBhardlyCluckilyDprobably11Acome intoBbreak intoCdrop byDpass by12AproudBhappyCnervousDeasy13AlearnedBtoldCshowedDheard14AloseBhaveCexpectDforget15ApeopleBwaysCloveDaim. 语法填空12、The Value of a DollarWhen I was nineteen, I had a job at a local bookstore. One night, a young couple came in and walked here and there looking for a book. They seemed 1 (be) the usual type to give mall 2 (worker) a hard time. When they came to the register (收银处), she was a dollar or two short of 3 (buy) the book she wanted.She looked 4 (disappoint). I had a customer discount (折扣) card and it was still active. I told the girl 5 (gentle), “Hang on, dont worry, youll have the money to buy the book.” I put in my password.She gave me a 6 (thank) smile. With a dollar left, she and her boyfriend left the store. I believed that I would never see 7(they)again.I dont remember 8 long it was, but they did return later that evening just to bring me 9 beautiful card that said “Its people like you who make the world a 10 (good) place to live in.”Im deeply moved by the little girl and her boyfriend. In fact, they have also made the world a little brighter. 阅读理解A13、Do you know Yao Beina?Not onl
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