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Unit 1 AsiaReading ITeaching aims:1 To introduce famous cities in China in English.2 To know more about famous attractions in China.3 To strengthen patriotism education of students.Teaching steps:Step 1 Revision汉译英最好做某事 had better do sth.坚持工作 keep working休息 have/take a rest想要继续 want to go on把我叫醒 wake me up在你回来的路上 on your way back计划环游中国 plan to travel around China一个可以去的很棒的地方 a wonderful place to go谢谢你的建议。Thanks for your suggestions.爬这么多台阶真的很累。Its really tiring to climb so many steps.Step 2 Presentation1. New words.Teach the new words. Pay attention to the key words. n. emperor 皇帝 n. landscape 风景;地形 n. watchtower 瞭望塔 n. cave 洞穴 n. attraction 向往的地方;吸引middle n. 中间,中央in the middle of 在中间e.g. There is a big tree in the middle of the park. 在公园中间有棵很大的树。raising n. 升高e.g. I hope to watch the raising of the national flag some day.我希望某天能看上升国旗。wonder n. 奇迹 e.g. Its a wonder that the child came through without a scratch. 那个小孩康复了,没留下伤疤,这真是奇迹啊。lie vi. 位于e.g. Japan lies to the east of China. 日本位于中国的东面。shape n. 形状,外形 e.g. This island is triangular in shape. 这个岛屿呈三角形状。underground adj. 地下的e.g. Moles stay underground most of the time. 鼹鼠大部分时间呆在地下。hang vi.&vt. 垂下,悬挂 e.g. Ill hang the pictures as high as I can. 我想把这些画尽量挂的高点。point vi. 指,指向e.g. The hands of the clock pointed to five oclock. 钟表的指针指向了五点。upwards adv. 向上 e.g. Citizens of eighteen years and upwards have the right to vote.十八岁以上的市民都有选举权。hire vt. 租用;雇佣 e.g. We hired an advertising company for help to sell out our product. 我们雇了一家广告公司帮我们卖产品。eastern adj. 东部的,东方的 e.g. Bamboo has always been a material of great importance to Eastern cultures. 在东方文化里竹子总是一种具有重要作用的材料。south-east n. adj. &adv. 东南方location n. 地点,方位 e.g. Now, you are able to use mobile phone to locate your own location, watch TV, play games, etc. 现在,手机可以用来定位,看电视,打游戏等。2. Complete Section B1 and check the answers.1. emperor _ a pay some money to use something for a short time2. attraction _ b the ruler of a country or several countries3. wonder _ c a large hole in the side of a hill or under the ground 4. lie _ d something that fills you with surprise5. cave _ e an interesting place to go6. hire _ f be in a place 2. Free talk.l Have you ever visited a big city before?l How well do you know about the city?l Would you like to visit it again one day?Get the students to talk about the questions. Encourage the students to share their own opinions.Step 3 Reading of passage 1I. Read the article of Beijing and answer the questions:1. How many attractions are mentioned in this article? 2. What are they?They are the Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City; Tiananmen Square; the Summer Palace and the Great Wall.II. Read the article of Beijing again and answer some more questions:1. Where is the Palace Museum?2. Who used to live there?3. When was it turned into a museum?4. What can we see there?5. Where is Tiananmen Square?6. How big is it?7. What do people like to do in Tiananmen Square early in the morning? 8. Where is the Summer Palace?9. What was it used for?10. How long is the Great Wall?11. How far is it between the watchtowers?12. When was it first built?13. What makes the Great Wall so special? III. Post-reading of passage 1dynasties gather museum palaceraising summer wondersKevin is asking Daniel about Beijing. Complete their conversation with the words in the box.Kevin: Have you ever visited the Palace Museum, Daniel?Daniel: Yes, of course. It was a _ for two _. Twenty-four Chinese emperors once lived there.Kevin: Can we go inside the Palace Museum?Daniel: Certainly. Its now open to the public as a _.Kevin: The Summer Palace was also a palace for the emperors in the past, wasnt it?Daniel: Yes. It was a nice place for the emperors to spend the _.Kevin: Have you ever seen the _ of the national flag?Daniel: Yes, I have. A lot of tourists like to _ in Tiananmen Square early in the morning to watch it.Kevin: What about the Great Wall? Have you ever been there?Daniel: Sure. As an old saying goes, “He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.” Its one of the _ of the world.Keys: palace, dynasties, museum, summer, raising, gather, wondersStep 4 Reading of passage 2I. Read the article of Guilin and answer the questions:1. Where is Guilin? 2. What can we enjoy in Guilin?II. Read the article of Guilin again and answer some more questions:1. Where does Guilin lie?2. Why do many tourists come to visit Guilin?3. Are the mountains around Guilin the same?4. Where is the Reed Flute Cave?5. What can we see in the Reed Flute Cave?6. What is the cave praise as?7. How can we enjoy the b
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