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.Unit 1 the 3 sectors of economy经济的三个部分Infrastructure 基础结构Lean produce 精益生产Warehouse 仓库Industrial units 工业区Residential building 住宅区Agricultural land 农耕区Housing estate 地产Managing director 董事总经理,总裁Wholesale outlet 批发商店Retail outlet 零售店Calculation of price 价格计算Added value 增值Smelt 熔炼,提炼Mill 磨Weld 焊接Ex works 出厂价Up stream 上游Down stream 下游Total picture 全局Maintenance 保养,维修Bauxite 铝土矿Coil 线圈Cement 水泥Labor cost 劳力成本Semi-finished 半成品Finished product 成品Department of health 卫生部Primary sector 第一产业Secondary sector 第二产业Tertiary sector 第三产业Raw material 原材料Administration 管理Law 司法puting 计算机操作Personnel 人事Distribute 分配,配送Health care 医疗卫生Logistics 物流Assemble 装配Disassemble 拆卸Assembling line 生产线Iron ore 铁矿石Division of labor 劳动分工Heavy industry 重工业Light industry 轻工业Marketing 市场营销Chain of mand 指挥系统,行政管理系统Core technology 核心技术Know-how 技术诀窍Labor-intensive 劳动密集型Technology-intensive 技术密集型Capital-intensive 资本密集型Hinterland 内地,腹地Initial outlay 初期投资Garments 服装Unit 2 management 管理Managers job= planning+ organizing+ leading+ controllingAllocate resources 分配资源Pay and promotion 薪酬和晋升Modify 修正Line manager 一线经理Immediate line manager 直接下属的一线经理Top manager 高层经理Top management 高层管理Middle management 中层管理Supplier 供应商Public authorities 政府部门Be advised 听取意见Distributor 分销商Swiss franc 瑞士法郎Appreciate 升值Depreciate 贬值ponent of economy 经济部门Good will resource 商誉Human resource 人力资源Natural resource 自然资源Market share 市场份额Monopoly in/ of/ on 垄断,专利品Management skills 管理技能Management tactics 管理技巧Decision-making 决策Board of directors 董事会Chairman of the board 董事长High-performance car 高性能汽车Tangible/ physical resources 有形资源Capital resources 资本资源Superior 上级Subordinate 下属Senior manager 资深经理Junior manager 初级经理Corporate culture 公司文化Check and balance 制衡Hardware 五金,硬件Monopoly/ lock 垄断Interchangement 互换Solution provider 方案提供商Chain store 连锁店Work experience 工作经历Working hour 工作时间Price v. 定价;比价Chief operation office 首席运营官Operation management 作业管理Financial management 财务管理HR management 人力资源管理Marketing management 销售管理Logistics management 物流管理OTC= over the counter 成药Arts 文科Science 理科Engineering 工科Simulate 仿造,模仿High-end product 高端产品Rock bottom price 最低价Frills 虚饰Target market 目标市场Empowerment 赋权Ad hoc 特别,专门Task force 特遣部队,特别行动组Cash and assets 现金和资产Buffer= cushion 起缓冲作用的人或物Leeway 余地,余裕Product 产品Productivity 生产率Produce 生产;特产local produce 地方特产Delegation 代表团Corporate statement = mission statement 公司主旨Aim/ vision 愿景Corporate image 公司形象For here 堂食To go 带走Focus group 焦点小组Innovation 创新,革新Manageable 可管理的,可处理的Set objective 设置目标Safety net 安全网Dismiss 解职,开除Expertise 专门技术Merchandise 商品,货物Verify 检验,核实IBM= International Business MachinesThe retail sector 零售业Predescribed quantities 预先定好的数量Layout 布局Sales staff 销售人员Working environment 工作环境Day-to-day logistics 日常物流,后勤Day-to-day running of the store 商店的日常运营Strategic management 战略管理Formulating strategy 制定战略Delegation 授权Parameter 参数High street= main street 大众的商品Replenishreplenishment 货物的补充Members of staff 公司职员Voice your consent 抱怨Inventory = stock 库存Policy 保单a contract of insurancePhilosophy 理念Regular meeting 例会,常规会议Accountability 问责性Unit 3 pany structure 公司结构Recruitment 雇佣,招募Remuneration 报酬Department of legal affairs 法务部Purchase 采购部IT 信息技术部R&D 研发部Tooling 加工部Immediate boss 直接上司Immediate subordinate 直接下属Autonomous 自制的Decentralization 分散化,权力下放,分权Function 功能Hierarchy 等级Line authority 直线职权Report to 向负责Subordinates 下属Matrix 矩阵Assistant manager 助理经理Manager assistant 经理助理Functional structure 机能结构 = production+ finance+ marketing市场营销+ sales+ personnel/ HRLead time 订货交付时间Reorganization 改组Operating division 运营段,运营分部Overlap 重叠mercial division 商业银行Private banking 私人理财International division 国际银行Investment division 投资银行Inherent problem 固有的问题Product manager 产品经理Market segment 市场细分Autonomy 自治权Priority 优先权Dimensional 四维基质的Sales force 销售队伍mission 提成Optional features 可选功能,可选装置Cash balance 现金平衡Credit facility 信用工具Profit margin 利益空间Research and development spending 研发投入Self-financing 使用自有资金,自筹资金Organization chart 组织结构图Market research
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