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Unit 4 Topic 1 Plants and animals are important to us.(Section A)导学案 课型:新授 执笔:毛凌霄 Students name: Study aims:1. Learn some new words and phrases: sky ,clear ,beauty ,nature ,cow ,horse ,hen ,sheep ,goose ,thin .2. Learn Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adjectives.3. 能用形容词的比较等级简单对事物进行比较。Important and difficult points:Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adjectives学习过程: 一、 Self-study and guidance (自学.导学):Step 1.Review new wordsdog- dogs cat- pig- duck- rabbit- Cow- hen- horse- sheep- Goose- mouse- Step 2.Describe them with adjectivesThe dog is clever . The cat is .The pig is . The duck is .The rabbit is . The cow is .The hen is . The horse is .The sky is . The trees are .The water in the river is .The air is . The flowers are .二、Communication and cooperation (交流.协作):Step 3.read 1a and 2a,finish the tasks below.1.write down the words after the example.quiet- - clear- - fresh- - green- - tall- - short- - long- - young- - nice- - brave- - blue- - cute- - big- - fat- - thin- - hot- - lazy- - ugly- - noisy- - happy- - 2.Finish 1b and 2b in your books.三、 Demonstration and stimulation(展示.激励)Step 4.形容词的比较级和最高级1. 形容词的比较级和最高级变化规则(一) 单音节词和少数双音节词:A.直接在形容词后加-er,-est. 如:clever- - cold- - B.以e结尾的加-r, -st. 如:fine- - wide- - C.重读闭音节结尾的,双写最后一个辅音字母再加-er,-est. 如:wet- - D.辅音字母加y结尾的,变y为i再加-er,-est. 如:early- - 2. 不规则变化的形容词 good/well- - bad/ill- - many/much- - little- - far- - 四、 Promotion and induction (深化.引领)形容词比较等级的运用。1. 当被比较的对象为两个人或事物时,常用“比较级+than”结构。如:李磊比汤姆高。 Li Lei is than Tom. =Tom is Li Lei.2.当被比较的对象为三个或三个以上的人或事物时,常用“the+最高级+比较范围”结构。常用含有in, of或among的介词短语来表示比较的范围。如:夏天是一年中最热的季节。 Summer is season a year.3.有时,为了表示差异的程度,可以在比较级前用much, a little, a lot,even等修饰。如:她的头发比我的短一点儿。Her hair is than . 飞机比火车快得多。The plane is the train.4. 形容词结构与最高级结构可以互换,意思不变。如:他是班上最小的学生。He is student in his class. = He is student in his class.五、 Consolidation and extension (巩固.拓展)Step6.Practice 1. 用所给词的适当形式完成句子。 (1) Kangkang has (many) books than me. (2) Which is the (big), the sun,the moon or the earth? (3) -How many (goose) are there in the river ? -Four. (4) One of the ( mouse) is eating a piece of bread. (5) My room is smaller than (she) . 2.翻译句子。 (1) 上海是中国最大的城市之一。 Shanghai is in China . (2) 武汉的天气比随州热得多。 The wether in Wuhan is than in Suizhou. (3) 马和牛哪个更壮? Which is ,the horse the cow? (4) 猫抓老鼠吗? 是的。 cats ? Yes, . (5) 人民公园是这个城市里最大最干净的公园。 Peoples park is in this city. 3. 按要求完成句子。 (1).Which color do you prefer,white or blue?(同义句) Which color do you ,white or blue? (2). Amy is thinner than Anna.(同义句) Anna is Amy. (3).I think cats are the cutest animals .(否定句) I cats the cutest animals. (4).Jim is the tallest student in his class.(同义句) Jim is than student in his class. (5)The air in the city is dirtier than that in the countryside.同义句 The air in the countryside is in the city. Step7.Sum upUnit 4 Topic 1 Plants and animals are important to us.(Section B)导学案 课型:新授 执笔:毛凌霄 Students name: Study aims:1. New words and phrases: above, joy, rose, share.with., snake, fox, insect, frog, living, feed, feed on 2.Learn Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adjectives.3.能用形容词的比较等级简单对事物进行比较。Important and difficult points:Comparative and Superlative Degrees of Adjectives学习过程:一、 Self-study and guidance (自学导学):Step 1. Read 1a and finish 1b by yourselves.更喜欢:(1) (2) Eg: Which do you prefer, plants or animals? =Which do you , plants or animals?最喜欢:(1) (2) Eg: I like cats best. = Cats my animals.给我们欢乐:(1) (2) 更有趣: 最美的: 与-分享-,和-共用-: Eg: 我和妹妹住同一个房间。I a room my sister. 人类和动物植物共同拥有这个地球。 the earth animals and plants. 二、Communica
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