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四年级英语上册句型专项练习 一、连词成句。(注意句子书写要求)1. Where my desk is (?) 2. Lets the classroom clean (.) 3. clean the Let window me (.) 4. see go Lets and (.) 5. have a classroom new We (.) 6、. his,Whats , name(?)7. red, a, he, bag, has(.)8. hair, she, has, long(.)9. tall, he, strong, is, and(.)10. family My seven people has (.)_11. are they Who ( ?)_12. Is your aunt this ( ? )_13. My doctor a is father ( . )_14、living room Is in she the ( ? )_二、从II栏中选出I栏的正确答语,把编号填在左边的括号里。 I II( ) 1) Is this your study? A. Its near the window.( ) 2)What would you like for dinner? B. No, they arent.( ) 3) Are they teachers? C. Id like some vegetables.( ) 4) Wheres the sofa? D. Yes, it is.( ) 5) Can I have some soup? E. Sure. Here you are.三、对答如流。( ) 1. Is she your teacher? A. Yes, he does.( ) 2. Whats your mother? B. Im a student.( ) 3. Does your uncle like sports? C. No, she isnt.( ) 4. What is your job? D. She is a nurse.( ) 5. How many people are there E. Fivein your family? 四、选择合适的疑问词的序号填在横线上。Who What How many What colour Where 1._ would you like for dinner?2._ is your book? Its on the desk.3._ is your pencil? Its black.4._ pens do you have? I have 5.5._ is this man? Hes my uncle.五、读一读,把对话补充完整,选择正确问句的编号填在相应的横线上。A.Mom, _B.Yes, pass me a plate.(盘子)A. Everythings ready.B. Can I have some soup?C. Can I help you?D. Whats for dinner?E. What would you like?A: Ok! _B: Some vegetables and beef.A: Great! _B: Sure. _A: Id like some fish soup.B: _A:Thank you, Mom!六、阅读理解,判断句子正误,对的在括号里打“”,错的打“”。Sarah: I have a new schoolbag.Miss White: Really? What colour is it?Sarah: Its pink.Miss White: Whats in it?Sarah: Look! 20 storybooks, 32 pencils, 8 rulers and 3 pencil boxes.Miss White: Wow! Good!( )1. Sarah has a new pen.( )2. The schoolbag is pink.( )3. There are twelve storybooks in it.( )4. There are eight rulers in it.( )5. Sarah has six pencil boxes.七、根据所给中文情景提示,选择正确的答案。(10分)( ) 1. 想问她是不是在客厅,可以说:A. Is she in the living room? B. Where is she? C. Is he in the living room?( ) 2. 欢迎客人来你家,可以说: A. Nice to meet you. B. Welcome to my home. C. Help yourself.( ) 3. 怎么样表达晚餐准备好了? A. Whats for dinner? B. Dinners ready. C. Lets eat dinner.( ) 4. 你想对别人说让我试试,可以说: A. Let me show you. B. Let me see. C. Let me try.( ) 5. 你想给对方提供帮助时,可以说: A. Can I help? B. Help yourself. C. Let me show you.单项选择。( ) 1. -Wheres your picture? -_ A. Its so big. B. Its near the window. C.Its a window.( ) 2. -Lets clean the classroom. -_ A. OK. B. Goodbye! C.Thank you.( ) 3. _ go and see. A. Let B. Let is C. Let us( ) 4. Let _ clean the windows. A. me B. I C. my( ) 5. The desks _ yellow. A. this B. is C. are( ) 6. - Whats in the classroom? - Two doors and desks. A. many B. one C. a( ) 7. - What colour is the computer ? - Its . A .black B. big C. nice( ) 8. 教室里面有什么? A. Whats in the classroom? B. Where is it?( ) 9. 我们有一间新教室。 A. I have a new classroom. B. We have a new classroom.( ) 10. 让我们一起擦玻璃吧! A. Let me clean the windows. B. Lets clean the windows. ( ) 1. -I have a new_.A. strong B. friend C. friends ( ) 2. - Whats in your schoolbag? -_A. An English book and two maths book.B. Two keys and three notebooks.C. English book and a Chinese book.( ) 3. -Whats _name? - His name is Wu Yifan.A. her B. he C. his( ) 4. -This is Zhang Peng. He _ short hair.A. have B. has C. is ( ) 5. 你是对的。_A.Youre right.B.Youre welcome.C.Im sorry.( ) 6. She has blue_A.glasses B. glass C. shoe ( )
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