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9 月 11 日,Nature 杂志发布了肺癌专题,以九篇文章的形式全面介绍了肺癌的诊疗现状,探讨了肺癌发生的原因。本文将为您展示肺癌的全球流行病学现状。 Adenccarcmoma (4。%)Tis is :he most prevalent form c*i king Rrc#r and jull ari$E& in t;ie cells lining the heqlL It 牲& cornmcn forrri of lung earner in people who hive nfiver srnoKed. out s also seen in sil luJtiisr.分型Small-cell lung cancer (15%)UbUdlly 占tw ill itilh nt!di Lhe bronchi, smMI-e醐 lung can-cer is almest 言l*ay tensed by srhakirig and a aggresfiivi. Only 6% of US patients wfth smaH-ceal lung cancer survMe five years after gnosis, cdripared with 51% oj those with m zmall 弋削 king cancer.I* Squamous coll carcinoma (30%) Thes-5 tumours appear in the flRt e国Im EM linfl tie mside of the ai俱戏,usuy fy neer the bronchi. Ihis form of the disease is usually caused ty wrgking and 旧 more commo7! in men than wbiriHfi 7 h白 ti irTiftii 色I肛 I1INIHES 01LUNG CANCER Large cell carcinoma (15%)、莓 Tlh席 types cif rs nrwr;土 以,*工 car begin in any I* R / Dart othe lung;*. . * and Often grows,.尊 *and spreads Quickly.电,一 tend to prcw $iowiv.Wy妇抱3”-订肺癌按照细胞类型分为非小细胞肺癌和小细胞肺癌(15% )。非小细胞肺癌有三个主要 的亚型为腺癌(40% )、鳞状细胞癌(30% )和大细胞癌(15% )。依据类型不同其治 疗和预后也不同(1)。全球流行情况United States,Aggnang pficcCCritrQ prr-dmrtie3 Iwvc wu由 d decline h &EDKig N】id Hne pcKnce 用 1e e ifcjwfv IliiiK-HiingairfciThe cajr-ii7 ins an 己日群puan and in the nnn I-.,1 rums snakucL Evt-n 1卜个1_打弟丑 eilirrdlcd 史黑 ql mvfi ahcl womEili nn村 srti-Me号1。却09 岛伊lU Hwfth OriiESluiXi dcE N mH 尚蚱 iOGH洵由3叩孙 11 r6 India*E) SJayloESoJaqEnNFemale300150On已-third of a I cigarettes smoked globally are smoked in China, where the government is the worlds largest tobacco producer*.1990Year2012肿 瘤 免 疫 细胞 治,疗吸烟人数,以男性为主,在中国持续上升,估计烟草每天会导致约3000人死亡(3 )。 全球有三分之一的吸烟者在中国。英国:危险因素Radiotherapy 0.8%Radon 0.5%Second-hand smoke 3% Other 6.7%Asbestos 6%12014年,造成英国肺癌发生的原因(5),最主要就是吸烟。南非:烟草消费Higher rigflnRltf? tavRS heiped to reduce M- Rg WElsumption in South Africa, one factor in 由w countrys ability to maintain lung cancer incidence al re I- atively low levels7.2010Year自从1991年,总的零全球范围内,烟草高税收会带来较低的吸烟率。在南非(6), 售价格逐年上升,烟草销售明显下降。美国:肺癌诊疗花费Lung cancer care (2010 data)3$12.1bnState anti-tobacco programmes (estimated cost for 2011) 1$460 晡Low-dose lung-cancer screening (proposed annual support fromMedicare for 2G15)1&$1.9bnTobacco marketing (2011 data)9 $8.8bn参考文献1. US National Cancer Institute, Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program Cancer Statistics Review 1920112. International Agency for Research on Cancer3. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington4. International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Cancer Report (2014)5. Cancer Research UK6. Belcher, E. Tob. Control 19,-325 (2010)7. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington8. US National Cancer Institute Cancer Trends Progress Report 2011/20129. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention10. Roth, J. A. et al. J. Clin. Oncol. 32 (Suppl.), 6501 (2014)11. United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention12. US National Cancer Institute Cancer Trends Progress Report 2011/2012
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