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说课稿 三年级上册Unit 11 I like the bird.Part 1 Teaching MaterialThe content of my lesson is Unit 11 I like the bird in Grade Three. This unit is about animals. Before the lesson, students have learned several animals on the farm and the sentence pattern “This is ” By learning this unit, well enable students to introduce some zoo animals and express their love for animals. This lesson is the first lesson of the unit. It helps students build the foundation of words and sentence pattern. The topic animal can greatly increase students interest in learning English.Part 2 Teaching aimsAccording to the new standard curriculum and syllabus, after studying the teaching material, the teaching aims are the followings:1. Knowledge aims:(1) Students can speak and understand the new animal words, such as bird and tiger.(2) Students can use the sentence pattern “I like the ” to express their love for animals.2. Ability aim: (1) Students can use what they have learnt to talk about animals in certain context.(2) Students can develop their ability of studying by cooperating.3. Emotional aim: Students can improve their awareness of protecting animals.Teaching key point: How to help students speak and understand the new words.Teaching difficult point: How to help students use “I like the ” to express their love for animals.Part 3 The key and difficult pointsBased on the requirement of the syllabus.The key point is to help students speak and understand the new animal words, such as tiger, bird and so on.The difficult point is to help students use “This is. I like the ” to introduce animals and express their love for animals.Part 4 Teaching methodsAs is known to all, a good teaching method requires that the teacher should help students develop a good sense of English language. To achieve these teaching aims, I will use the following methods according to the modern social communication teaching theories.1. Task-basked Language Teaching2. Context Teaching: It establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the students. At the same time, CAI can provide a real situation with its sound and picture. It can develop the Ss creativity in learning English.3. Communicative approachPart 5 Teaching aidsMultimedia, word cards and animal head gear.Part 6 Analysis of the teaching proceduresI. Warming upStudents are divided into two groups. Two groups work together to say a chant. One group ask, the other group answer. All the questions and answers are said with tempo. This part can attract students attention to the class and lay a foundation for lead-in part.G1: Whats this? G2: Its a (animal words)II. Lead-in and group divisionLead students to pay attention to the place where the animals are, and realize these are farm animals. Then show the picture of a zoo to lead in the topic of zoo animals. Divide students into farmer team and zookeeper team. The whole class activity is a big PK between the two teams so that students will take an active part in the class. By leading in and dividing into two teams, I created a context that we will go to the zoo to see some animals. Its easier for students to use what they learned in the context.III. Presentation1. Play the sound of tiger then show the picture of a tiger. Say “This is a tiger” to teach the new word and sentence pattern. Students say “hello, tiger” to practice the new word and pave the way for consolidation part. A student imitates tiger and the teacher hug the student and say “I like the tiger” to show the key sentence pattern naturally.2. Show students a monkey on the tree and teach word monkey. Play the game “monkey run” say the word one by one, so as to let students practice new word. Imitating monkey at the same time is for helping students memorize the meaning of the new word with their body language. T: “Do you like the monkey?” Students answer the question to review the sentence “I like the ”3. Teach panda and elephant by beginning with guessing games. Students can understand the meaning through pictures and body language. This game helps students to focus on the class and practice their ability of understanding. Students guess with “This is a/ an ” to consolidate the sentence pattern. In order to help students know how to express their love for sth. ,ask students who likes the animal to stand up and say “I like the ” 4. S: Whats your name? T: My name is bird(mimic the voice of bird). Pretend to be a bird and say “nice to meet you” with students. In this part, students can combine new words with what they have learned. T: Do you like me? to lead students to say “I like”5. Introduce the lion to students and ask “like it or not?”IV. Practice1. Quick reaction: Students say words according to the pictures shown on the PPT. This step, students can review the new words quickly.2. Pair work: Students work with their desk mates to introduce “What animals do th
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