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Unit 2 my favourite school subjectLesson 7 Dont be late for class!(two periods)Teaching content:1. Learning some new words and phrases of lesson 7: geography, sometime, painter, timetable, be late for, Thank you for2. Talking about time.3. Talking about class.Teaching goals:1. Remembering some new words and phrases of lesson 7.2. Talking about time.3. Understanding the dialogue of lesson 7.Key points and difficult points:1. Present perfect tense.2. What time is it? Its Teaching procedure:一、 温故知新。Check some words and phrases of lesson 7: geography, sometime, painter, timetable, be late for, Thank you for二、 激情导入。How many subjects do you study? What are they?What subject are you good at?Have you ever been late for school?三、 新课学习。Step one: Showing the teaching aims on the blackboard and asking students to read them together.1.Remembering some new words and phrases of lesson 7.2.Talking about time.3.Understanding the dialogue of lesson 7.Step two: Learning lesson 7 by themselves in groups.Listen to the dialogue and match the people with their favourite subject. (Listening once or three times for finishing number 3 of Lets Do It.)Step three: Read the lesson and answer the questions. (At first, read the four questions and know the meaning. Second, read the dialogue quickly and find the answers to four questions. Then, read the dialogue one sentence by one sentence and find something that its important or you dont understand it. At last, Write down something important on your notebook.)Step four: Fill in tne blanks with the correct forms of the given words. (finish number 2 of Lets Do It.)Step five:Work in groups. Fill in your class timetable and discuss it with each other. Then present it to the whole class. (At first, review how to express time. Then, finish number 4 of Lets Do It.)四、 达标训练,作业布置。1. Finish some exercises of lesson 7 in exercise book.2. Finish some exercises of lesson 7 in learning design.3. Do some exercise that you think it important for homework.五、板书设计:教学反思:Lesson 8 E-mail Helps !(two periods)Teaching content:1. Learning some new words and phrases of lesson 8: physical, runner, except, tonight, physical education (P.E.)2. Talking about E-mail.3.Talking about help.Teaching goals: Remembering some new words and phrases of lesson 8.Talking about E-mail. .Understanding the E-mail of lesson 8.Key points and difficult points:Present perfect tense.How to help each other in class?Teaching procedure:一、温故知新。Check some words and phrases of lesson 8: physical, runner, except, tonight, physical education (P.E.)二、激情导入。Do you like to write e-mail or letters in English?Do your classmates help each other in class? How?三、 新课学习。Step one: Showing the teaching aims on the blackboard and asking students to read them together.1.Remembering some new words and phrases of lesson 8.2.Talking about E-mail. .3.Understanding the E-mail. of lesson 8.Step two: Learning lesson 8 by themselves in groups.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. (Listening once or three times for finishing number 2 of Lets Do It.)Step three :Read the lesson and write true (T)or false (F).(At first, read the four questions and know the meaning. Second, read the E-mail quickly and write true (T)or false (F). Then , read the dialogue one sentence by one sentence and find something that its important or you dont understand it. At last, Write down something important on your notebook.)Step four: Write the past participles of the verbs below, then group them. (finish number 3 of Lets Do It.)Step five:Work in groups and discuss what good methods you use to study your subjects. then present your ideas to the class.finish number 4 of Lets Do It.)四、 达标训练,作业布置。1.Finish some exercises of lesson 8 in exercise book.2.Finish some exercises of lesson 8 in learning design.3.Do some exercise that you think it important for homework.板书设计:五、教学反思:Lesson 9 I dont want to miss Geography!(two periods)Teaching content:1. Learning some new words and phrases of lesson 9: since, poor cough, because, seem, convenient, miss class/school, have a cough, not at all, be convenient for2. Talking about favourite subject.Teaching goals: Remember some new words and phrases of lesson 9.Talk about favourite subject. .Understand the most interesting thing about your favourite subject of lesson 9.Key points and difficult points:Present perfect tense.The most interesting thing about your favourite subject of lesson 9.Teaching procedure:一、温故知新。Check some words and phrases of lesson 9: since, poor, cough, because, seem, convenient, miss class/school, have a cough, not at all, be convenient for二、 激情导入。Whats your favourite subject?Why?Whats the most interesting thing about your favourite subject?三、新课学习。St
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