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Unit 3 Celebration单元词汇复习与话题写作授课老师:吴琼尧 上课班级:高一(1)班教学目标:1. 学生回顾本单元的重点词汇。2. 学生通过做练习巩固本单元词汇。3. 学生把学过的词汇与本单元的话题写作相结合,进行实际运用。课前完成以下练习:I. Warm-up: play a game of vocabulary memorizing. II. Do a mind-map task: write down the words related to the following situations.Festival WeddingIII. Translate the expressions related to celebration in the texts.1. Every year in September or October, the Mid-Autumn Festival _ (被庆祝) the Chinese people all over the world. (Lesson 1)2. As it is in the early summer, _ (它标志着) the beginning of the hottest season of the year. (Lesson 1)3. _ (的特殊食物) the Lantern Festival is the sweet dumpling. (Lesson 1)4. However, in recent years, people from other countries have also _ (参加) the races and _ (玩得开心). (Lesson 1)5. A long silk ribbon that links the crowns is _ a long and happy life (的象征). (Lesson 1)6. After the ceremony, the guests can attend a wedding reception, _ (它通常是一个大型的派对) and can last through the night. (Lesson 3)7. _ (有很多) eating, drinking and dancing, _ (包括) the famous Greek circle dance, where everyone joins in. (Lesson 3)8. We only invited family and friends to ( ) my fathers birthday party. My father made a really funny speech about ( ) life starting at sixty-five, and he thanked everyone for ( ) bringing him a present. (Lesson 2)IV. Situation design: A Birthday PartySuppose you are Li Hua. Please write a letter to introduce your eighteenth birthday party last year to your pen friend, Mike. Use your imagination (发挥你的想象力) and the expressions mentioned above(使用上面提到的词汇).1. Introduction to the situationKey pointsUse your imaginationRelated expressionssituationmy eighteenth birthday party1._ (庆祝/ 被庆祝)where2._/when3._/who4._5._ (邀请某人去)2. The beginningPreparations Use your imaginationRelated expressionsfood6._7._ (的特殊食物)decorations8._decoratewith(用装饰)3. DevelopmentKey pointsUse your imaginationRelated expressionstraditions received 9._/meaningssymbols of happiness10._ (的象征)activities 11._12._ (有很多包括)4. ConclusionEndingUse your imaginationRelated expressionstime13._come to an end (结束)feelingsI thanked everyone for 14._15. We all _thank sb. for (因而感谢某人)16. _ (玩得开心)References (参考资料): 在中国传统文化中,庆祝生日的特别食物有长寿面(longevity noodles),鸡蛋。现在,人们通常会在家里和亲朋好友一起吃饭,然后吃蛋糕和许愿。在生日这一天,生日的人可以收到红包(red packet)和生日礼物。这些都寓意着对生日的人的一种祝福。派对开始前人们会准备好一些气球(balloon),丝带等来装饰房子。派对上有各种活动,例如唱歌,跳舞等。最后,生日的人会对来庆祝的人表示感谢。V. 整理成句1. 去年的6月6日,我在家里庆祝了我的18岁的生日。_2. 在那一天,我邀请了我的亲朋好友参加我的生日派对。_3. 我的父母准备了一些生日的特殊食物,例如长寿面,鸡蛋,蛋糕等。(such as+n./doing/短语; for example+n./doing/短语/句子)_4. 他们用了一些五颜六色的气球和丝带装饰了房子。_5. 我从父母和朋友那里收到了红包和礼物。_6. 它们都是幸福的象征。_7. 有很多活动,包括唱歌,跳舞。(include+n./doing/短语)_8. 在大约晚上10点,派对结束了。_9. 我感谢每个人给我带来礼物。_10. 我们都玩得很开心。_VI. 整理成篇(课堂完成)1.信息整理: (1)分段: para1: sentences _ para2: sentences _ para3: sentences _ para4: sentences _ (2)用定语从句来连接两句话sentence 5 and sentence 6合并:_(3)使用连接词(参考书本P91 Linking部分): first of all; after that; during; then; finally2.书写: (1)卷面整洁 (2)字体工整 (3)一行写10-11个单词Dear Mike, I know you express a keen interest in Chinese culture, and now I am writing to introduce my eighteenth birthday to you so that you can learn more about Chinese traditions._
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