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Unit 1 Do you want to watch a game show?SectionA (1a-2d)1. Teaching objectives:1). Knowledge objectives: Students should master the new phrases and sentences: sitcom; soap opera; talk show and so on. The sentence pattern: “-What do you think of/ How do you like./ How do you feel about -I like/ love /dont mind/ cant stand/ them.”2) Skill objectives: students can talk about their opinions about the different TV shows. They can share their opinion with their classmates.3) Emotion and attitudes: lead students to have a right attitude towards watching TV. Students have a balanced life between studying and relaxing2. Key points and different points: the different kinds of TV shows, and students should learn to how to ask others opinion towards these TV shows, and talk about the reasons.3. Teaching Procedures:Step 1: lead-in I will use a picture of ipad, and ask students what do they usually do with an ipad. Then lead in to our todays topic “watching TV shows”.Step 2: show some pictures about different kinds of TV shows, and teach students how to read, and how to ask others opinions towards these TV shows. The important sentence patterns “- what do you think of/ how do you like/ how do you feel about.” “-I like/love/ dont mind/ cant stand.”Step 3: PracticeI will ask students to do the guessing game(the lucky number). With some interesting pictures and videos, students can practice and solidate the new phrases and sentence patterns.Step 4: ask students do the exercise in 1a. Match the TV shows with the pictures. Then check the answers.Step 5: Pair-work. show some pictures and ask students to practice the conversation we learnedStep 6 : Do the listening in 1b. Number the shows in the order(1-4)you hear them.Step7: Do the listening in 2a and check the answers. Then listen it again and finish the mind map. Step8: Do the listening in 2b and complete the sentences.Step9: Role-play the conversation in 2d and answer the questions.Step10: ActivityPair-work. 4 students in a group, and ask and answer questions “What do you want to watch?” “What do you think of it?“How often do you watch it?”“Why do you like it or dont like it?”After the pair-work, students should write down their partners answers in a chart. Then choose one reporter to give a report about your partners opinions.Step 11: review what we have learned. The important phrases and sentence patterns.4.The design of blackboardUnit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?Words and Phrases: Sentence patterns Team competitionsitcom talk show What do you think of.?soap opera How do you feel about.?sports show How do you like?talent show game showdont mind cant stand
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