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期中检测题姓名:一、听力部分(满分20分). 听句子,选择与句意相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分) 5. 听句子,选择正确的答语。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)6. A. Almost every day. B. Yesterday. C. I like drinking milk.7. A. No, never.B. I usually watch TV.C. Four times a day.8. A. I watch TV every day.B. English is my favorite subject.C. Animal World.9. A. She is reading.B. She likes exercising.C. She usually goes to the movies.10. A. All the students are watching TV. B. All the students will do.C. Most students go to the movies once a week. 听对话,回答问题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)( ) 11. Which cinema is the cheapest in town?A. The Town Cinema. B. The Showtime Cinema. C. Both the two cinemas.( )12. Which station is bigger?A. The new one. B. The nearer one. 21C. The farther one.( )13.Who is the tallest in class? A. The girl in blue. B. The girl in red. 21 C. Its hard to say.( )14.Who studies the hardest of the four? A. Tom. B. Jim. 21C. Anna.( )15. Which season does Miss Green like best ?A. Spring B. Summer. 21C. Autumn. 听短文,选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,满分5分)16. Li Lei is _. A. JapaneseB. ChineseC. American17. Li Lei thinks soap operas are _. A. boringB. interestingC. awful18. Li Lei _ sitcoms. A. doesnt likeB. cant standC. loves19. Li Lei often read Sitcom World on _. A. WednesdayB. weekendsC. weekday20. Li Lei doesnt mind _. A. soap operasB. sitcomsC. talk shows二、笔试部分(满分80分).单项填空(每小题1分,满分15分)21. _ do you play table tennis, Jim?Twice a weekA. How long B. How often C. How muchD. How many22. _ do you sleep every day?Eight hours.A. How oftenB. When C. How muchD. How many hours23. . -Do you often go to the gym? -No. _. I dont like sports at all. A. always B. never C. sometimes D. usually24. The boy _ two hours playing soccer and didnt do his homework.A. costB. paidC. spentD. took25. You are too fat; you should eat _meat.A. moreB. muchC. lessD. never26. He sings too _. I cant stand him!A. loudB. loudlyC. louderD. more loudly27. When winter comes, days get. A. long and longB. short and short C. longer and longer D. shorter and shorter28. _ he was very tired, _ he didnt stop working A. Though; butB. But; though C. Though; D. But; 29. Thats important _ us _ finish the work on time.A. to; forB. for; toC. to; toD. for; for30. This picture is _ that one. I cant find any difference.A. different fromB. similar fromC. different toD. similar to31. To be the best student in my class, I try my best _.A. studyB. studyingC. studiedD. to study32. Dream Clothes has _ service in the city.A. badB. badlyC. worseD. the worst33. Colors can change our moods(情绪)and make ushappy or sad. A. feelB. to feelC. feltD. feeling34. My grandfather wants _ around the world because he enjoys _ new places.A. traveling; seeing B. to travel; to see C. to travel; seeing D. traveling; to see35.Which one is _ , football or basketball? A. more popular B. popular C. popularer D. much popular. 完形填空(每小题1分,满分10分)One day a woman walks _36_ a hat shop. The boss smiles and says, “Good afternoon, madam.” “Good afternoon.” the woman answers. “There is a green hat _37_ red flowers on it in your _38_ . .Will you please take it out of there? “Yes, madam,” the boss says, “Im happy to do that _39_ you.” Usually women look at a lot of _40_ before they buy one, and the boss gets very tired. “Good,” he thinks, “I can sell this hat very _41_ today.” “Do you want it in a box or _42_ your head, madam?” he asks. “Oh, I dont want it,” she answers. “I _43_ want you to take it out of your window. I pass your _44_ every day, and I dont like to _45_ the ugly(丑) thing there.” ( ) 36. A. to B. into C. at D. by ( ) 37. A. with B. has C. have D. of ( ) 38. A. door B. wall C. window D. table ( ) 39. A. to B. for C. about D. help ( ) 40. A. clothes B. shirts C. trousers D. hats ( ) 41. A. quickly B. dear C. cheap D. late ( ) 42. A. from B. in C. on D. with ( ) 43. A. really B. only C. can D. must ( ) 44. A. park B. car C. room D. shop ( ) 45. A. look B. read C. see D. watch. 阅读理解(每小题1分,满分20分)AMany people today like exercise. Some like to run, and some like to walk. Others dance or play balls. Th
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