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1. 钢结构发展概况 general situation of steel structure2. 结构体系Structural system3. 结构体系选用 Selection of structural system4. 结构钢材性能Performance of structural steel5. 连接材料 Connection material6. 高层钢结构的钢材选用Selection of steel for tall building7. 荷载效应组合Combination of load effect8. 风荷载计算 calculation of wind load9. 地震荷载计算 calculation of earthquake load10. 结构布置 structure layout11. 结构体系分类 classification of structure system12. 钢结构的各类结构体系 miscellaneous system of steel building 13. 钢-砼结构体系 structure system of steel-concrete14. 钢骨体系 steel skeleton system15. 结构内力分析的基本内容 basic content of inner force analysis16. 计算模型 calculation model17. 计算方法 analysis method18. 结构内力调整 adjustment of structure inner force19. 高层分析中常用的单元 frequent element of inner force analysis of tall building20. 地震作用下的反应谱法 response spectrum method of earthquake load21. 时程分析法 response history analysis method22. 高层建筑施工模拟 construction analog of tall building23. 结构整体稳定 global stability of structural 24. P-效应 P- effect 25. 高层建筑 tall building 26. 水平位移限制 horizon displacement limitation27. 梁 beam28. 柱 column29. 中心支撑 central brace30. 承载能力计算 bearing capacity calculation31. 偏心支撑 eccentric brace32. 抗侧力构件lateral-resistance component33. 节点设计 nodal design34. 基本原则 basic principle35. 抗震设计 earthquake-resistance design36. 梁与柱的连接 connection of beam to column37. 柱与柱的连接 connection of column to column38. 梁与梁的连接 connection of beam to beam39. 柱脚设计 design of patten40. 组合楼盖设计 compound floor design41. 组合梁,compound beam42. 蜂窝梁设计 circular hole castellated beams design43. 钢骨混凝土构件设计 steel reinforced concrete member design44. 残余应力residual stress45. 概率极限状态 probability limit state46. 弯曲失稳 bending buckling47. 局部失稳 local buckling48. 整体稳定性 global stability49. 承载力bearing capacity 50. 支承栓钉bearing pin 51. 支承垫板bearing plate 52. 支承应力bearing stress 53. 弯曲应力bending stress 54. 受横向支撑的结构braced structure 55. 支撑结构bracing structure 56. 压曲临界荷载buckling load 57. 建筑设计building design 58. 含碳钢carbon steel 59. 土木工程civil works 60. 受压钢筋compression reinforcement 61. 抗压强度compressive strength 62. 抗压应力compressive stress 63. 集中荷载concentrated load 64. 混凝土板concrete slab 65. 施工缝construction joint 66. 施工阶段construction stage 67. 临界荷载critical load 68. 横截面积cross sectional area 69. 设计假定design assumption 70. 设计计算资料design calculation 71. 设计规范design code 72. 设计使用年限design life 73. 设计荷载design load 74. 详图detailed drawing 75. 不均匀沉降differential settlement 76. 弹性分析elastic analysis 77. 弹性地基elastic foundation 78. 弹性模量elastic modulus 79. 弹性支座elastic support 80. 膨胀系数expansion coefficient 81. 伸缩接口expansion joint 82. 金属疲劳fatigue (metal) 83. 固定螺栓fixing bolt 84. 火焰切割flame cutting 85. 法兰套筒flange bush 86. 平屋顶flat roof 87. 楼面荷载floor load 88. 结构形式form of structure 89. 框架刚度frame stiffness 90. 频率范围frequency range 91. 摩擦系数friction coefficient 92. 脆性材料fragile mater 93. 节点构造nodal constitution 94. 门式刚架portal frame 95. 大跨度large span 96. 网架结构grid structure 97. 网壳lattice shells 98. 结构分析structure analysis 99. 刚架内力inner force of frame 100. 外部支撑刚架external structural bracing frame 2
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