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(程度较差的学生做第一题: 中等学生做二三四题:优秀学生做二三四五题)一、单项选择题 ( ) 1. Would you mind _ me ? A. teach B. teaching C. to teach( ) 2. Itll take you about forty minutes _ there . A. to get B. to get to C. get( ) 3. Ill go _ . A. somewhere other B. somewhere else C. else somewhere( ) 4. I think he will do _ next time . A. well B. better C. best ( ) 5. Im sorry for _ I said . A. how B. which C. what ( ) 6. She is kept _ so long for her son . A. wait B. waiting C. to wait( ) 7. Im sorry I _ your bike . A. break B. to break C. broke( ) 8. Could you _ the bag to Li Lei ? A. put B. take C. help ( ) 9. A: _ we go to the park this Sunday ? B: Good idea ! A.Will B.Can C. Shall ( ) 10. He was too _ and cut himself with the knife . A. careful B. careless C. carefully( ) 11. One of the _ fell ill . A.team players B. team player C. team play( ) 12. The famous _ basketball player will come to China next month . A. Canada B. Canadian C. Canadians ( ) 13. You can throw the ball into the basket _ any part of the ground . A. from B. on C. at ( ) 14. I asked a _ coach to make a plan for me . A. run B. ran C. running( ) 15. The book is important _ me . A. for B. to C. in 二、选词填空:从方框中所给的10个词中选词填空,使所给的句子通顺有意义,每词只用一次(10分,每小题1分)。 build how will With sure what asking fell mind fun1. Would you teaching me English ?2.One of my teammates ill. 3. Would mind coming and your friends to cheer us on ?4. Michael , I am very sorry for I said .5.We are to win next time .6. Marias and Janess help , Kangkang said sorry to Michael . 7. In March I take part in the competition in France .8. Do you know to score in the game ?9. Running helps to me up .10. I always have great running even when I am sick .三、 英译汉:把下列词组或短语译成中文(10分,每小题1分)1.do sb. a favor 2.practice playing football 3.miss a good chance .4. do ones best 5. shame on you 6.play the piano 7. be busy doing sth 8. instead of 9. an eigh-year boy 10.turn down 四、完成句子:根据句子所给的汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(共10分,每空1分)1. 这个星期六我们将进行一场足球比赛。 We a soccer game this Saturday 。2.不要在这里吸烟你介意吗 ?Would not here ? 3. 我相信你们下次会做得更好。I believe that you can next 。 4. 你不应该象那样对我说话。 You to me like that.5.向Michael 说声“道歉”你介意吗? Would you mind to Michael ?五、书面表达:把下列句子翻译成英文(10分,每小题2分)。1.我每天跑步2.5英里 。 2.来自世界各地的人喜欢观看和打篮球 。 3.你什么时候开始打篮球? 4.你能告诉我如何到达首都体育馆吗? 5.下星期五我们将举行一场篮球比赛。
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