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完形填空 (1)阅读下列短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。I had an opportunity to go to Africa as a volunteer last year. The 36 of the people, the fantastic opportunities for travel and exploration within the country, and the friends that I 37 during my time in Ghana (加纳) made it the best 38 of my life.My voluntary project was an extreme 39 , but enjoyable. I was 40 in a very poorly-run school (upon arrival only half the classes had teachers), but I think it 41 to the great experience, rather than taking anything 42 from it. I was given my own class to teach, and was not 43 restrictions on what I ought to teach, nor was I told how I should or shouldnt teach them. Though that might sound a little daunting, after 5 minutes I soon got to 44 the level of the class and after a few days it became 45 what techniques needed to be improved, or introduced to the kids. Seeing the class 46 over the months was unbelievably rewarding. I cant 47 to go back to Ghana to see how theyre all getting on now.I felt 48 but welcome and comfortable throughout my 49 stay in Ghana. Sleeping in the same house with my class 50 that so much extra work was done “after hours”, and we were generally able to have a much better51 of how they were being treated and what we could do to help in the future. The food was fantastic and always plentiful, and we were always 52 , with hot water for baths and traditional Ghanaian remedies for colds!53 we were warned very strongly before arrival about the risk of malaria (疟疾) in Ghana, I was 54 surprised that none of my volunteer friends, nor I, actually suffered from the disease. I think this is largely 55 the organizations care in placing all its volunteers in the safest places. In a word, volunteering in Africa was everything that I wanted it to be, and more.36. A. friendliness B. honestyC. appearanceD. safety37. A. stayedB. madeC. achievedD. led38. A. experience B. accomplishmentC. routineD. outcome39. A. importance B. opportunityC. challenge D. benefit40. A. askedB. employedC. held D. placed41. A. addedB. ledC. wrote D. changed 42. A. inB. awayC. on D. down 43. A. askedB. given C. broughtD. allowed44. A. missB. discoverC. realize D. study45. A. casualB. adequateC. apparentD. strict46. A. spendB. sufferC. introduceD. develop 47. A. waitB. bear C. help D. hesitate48. A. nothingB. somethingC. anything D. everything49. A. commonB. usualC. entireD. hard50. A. actedB. found C. meantD. depended51. A. situation B. understandingC. impression D. manner52. A. taken afterB. looked afterC. chased afterD. sought after53. A. Unless B. UntilC. BecauseD. Although54. A. continuallyB. unfortunatelyC. possibly D. pleasantly55. A. as toB. in comparison withC. due to D. in line with36-40 ABACD41-45 ABBCC 46-50 DAACC 51-55 BBDDC(2)One bright Easter day about four years ago, my family and I went to my grandparents house to celebrate Easter as we do every year, but little did we know that a water fight could cause me to break my ankle. It all started when my cousin 36 that we have a water fight. We had water guns and “water Easter eggs”, plastic eggs filled with water that would 37 when they hit something. We played for about thirty minutes and, while we got a little 38 , nobody had been 39 . However, at one point during the game, 40 I was inside the house, my cousin Philip, who was on the deck extending from the second floor of my house, said “Ive had enough. 41 here.” “Is this a 42 ?” I asked. It seemed a little suspicious. “No, of course not. Im just 43 of this game.” “Well, okay.” I hesitated before deciding to go out on the deck. “Ha! Got you!” said Lance, who was hiding behind the 44 with a water egg in his hand. “Liar!” I yelled at Philip. My 45 reaction was to jump off the deck onto the grass below. That way I could get away from Lance and I would not 46 the water fight. The water egg whizzed (呼呼作响) past my head47 I jumped over the railing of the deck. I shouted happily “ 48 me!” without thinking about or looking at what was 49 me. The only thing I was thinking about on the way down was not getting 50 by that water egg. This 51 was a big mistake since I was not 52 on the way down. I lost my balance, fell and 53 landed on my left foot. 54 I had “looked before I leaped”, I would not have broken my 55 . Never again will I do anything without focusing on it first, whether it is physical or mental. 36. A. suggestedB. persuadedC. convincedD. promised37. A. closeB. enlargeC. breakD. shorten38. A. merryB. wet C. naughty D. amazed39. A. calledB. h
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