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【精品】Unit 6 In the kitchen Checkout time & Ticking time(练习)译林版(三起)-五年级英语下一、看图补全对话。1.Look at the fridge. There is some _, _, _ and _ in the fridge. There is a _ in the fridge. There are three _ in the fridge. There are five _ in the fridge. There are three _ in the fridge. There are _ eggs in the fridge.2.The children are in the kitchen. Is Mike cooking the soup ?_Is Yang Ling washing the dishes?_Are Su Hai and Su Yang making vegetable salad?_二、单项选择。( ) 1. I come home _ a football match. A. at B. for C. from( ) 2.- _ Ben and his mother cooking meat ? -Yes, they are. A. Is B. Do C. Are( ) 3. -_ you listening to music? - No, watching TV. A. Do, youre B. Are, ImC. Can, Im( ) 4. - Is Mike washing the vegetables? - _. A. Yes, he isB. Yes, he can C. Yes, he does( ) 5. -Is Helen _ in the library? -Yes, she is. A. reading B. reads C. read( )6. -Look! Mr Yang is cleaning the car. -Ill go and help _. A. he B. his C. him三、阅读并选择。 Bob is a lovely schoolboy. He likes playing football very much. He often plays football with his classmates after school, but he never goes home too late. He usually gets home between 4:30 and 5:30 in the afternoon. One day he comes back home late, so his mother says, ”You come back home late today, Bob!”Yes, we have got a new teacher. He teaches us Maths,” Bob answers. “How is he?”his mother asks. “I dont know. I think I cant believe him.”Why?”his mother says. “In todays Maths class, one moment he says two and three is five. But the next moment he says one and four is five.” Bob answers.( )1. Bob comes home _ in the afternoon today. A. at 4:30 B. at 5:30 C. after 5:30 ( )2. Bob comes home late because_. A.he plays football B. he studies Maths C.he plays with his Maths teacher( )3. Bob thinks _. A.he can believe the Maths teacher. B.his Maths teacher is wrong C.he likes Maths ( )4. Bob likes _. A.playing football B.playing basketball C.Maths答案及解析:一、1. meat, bread, milk juice 2. No, he isnt. He is cooking the fish. No, she isnt. She is cooking some vegetables. Yes, they are. 二、CCBAAC三、CBBA解析:1. 由短文中的关键句“He usually gets home between 4:30 and 5:30 in the afternoon. One day he comes back home late, so his mother says, ”You come back home late today, Bob!”可知Bob一般在下午4:30-5:30到家,但是今天到家迟了,可知是5:30之后,故选C。2. 由短文中的关键句“You come back home late today, Bob!”Yes, we have got a new teacher. He teaches us Maths,”可知Bob回来迟了是由于学习数学耽搁时间了,故选B.3. 由短文中的关键句“How is he?”his mother asks. “I dont know. I think I cant believe him.” Why?”his mother says. “In todays Maths class, one moment he says two and three is five. But the next moment he says one and four is five.” Bob answers.”可知Bob认为他的数学是错误的,一会儿说2+3=5,又说1+4=5,故选B.4. 由短文中的关键句“ Bob is a lovely schoolboy. He likes playing football very much.”可知Bob喜欢踢足球,故选A。第 页
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