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Lesson 5: JanesLuckyLife 教学设计及说课稿 (第二课时) 一、 教材分析1、 教材简析 本单元的主要话题是谈论健康, 此课为本单元的第5节课, 主要讲述一位名字叫做Jane的残疾人对待生活的态度, 是一篇阅读课文, 通过阅读, 使学生明白谁是真正的残疾人。 2、 教学目标 知识目标: a. be unable to dosomething (be not able to do something) b.She enjoysencouraging her daughter to play the piano. 能力目标: 发展学生的听、 说、 识记及阅读能力, 培养学生语言综合运用能力。情感、态度和价值观: 通过本节课的学习, 使学生对生活充满积极向上的态度, 培养 学生要用健康的心理对待生活和学习, 使学生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维, 大胆表述,提高语言的实际运用能力。 3、 重点和难点 重点句子: She is unable to do many things.She enjoys encouraging her daughter to play the piano. 难点:a. Ask the students to learn the spirit of the disabled people.b. Find out the topic sentences of each paragraph。c. Call on the whole world to take more care of the disabled people4、 教学辅助工具: 电子白板。 二、 教学方法 1,本课采用任务型阅读教学法, 用 If you are a disabled person, what do you do ?这个问句, 引出谈论假想情况的话题。 采用提问、 启发、 讨论和归纳的教法, 让学生易于接受教材内容, 理解阅读内容, 培养学生的语言运用能力。2,通过小组合作学习,结合本节课实际将班级同学分为五组,用身体部位的名称命名各个小组,并给每一个小组一幅分解了的身体某些部位的图片,各小组每回答对一个问题,将身体部位的一块粘在纸上,最后看哪一组全部粘完,说明哪一组做的最好,没完成的小组(看缺少的是哪个身体部位)结合课文升华本节课情感目标,完成课程开始之前提出的假设。 三、 教学过程设计Step . Greet the whole classasusual.Step . Warming-up questions: T: Do you know thousand-hand kwan yin?Ss: Yes, we know. T: Can yousaysomething about the dancers?S1: They are all deafS2:They cant hear the musicS3:They are disabledT: Yeah. You are right.They are disabled person. Thank you.Sit down, please. (To the whole class) Now class, do you know other disabled people? Can you give me their names?S4: Zhang Haidi ,Helen Keller andStephenWilliamHawking. T: Thank you. (To the whole class) Now class, you know Zhang Haidi and Helen Keller are all disabled people, but do you know what istheir attitude towardlife?Suppose: l If you don t have arms or legs, what do you do? If you can tsee anything, what do you do? If you can t hear anybodysaysomething, what do you do?Lets take these questions to begin our new lesson.1、 以这样的问题提问,会使学生很感兴趣。 舞蹈视屏的导入会使学生对整节课充满好奇心,从而调动学生参与学习的积极性 2、 这个内容也为下一步做听力练习奠定了语言基础,适当减轻了听力难度,同时使学生能对课文有一个整体的了解,学会怎样获得文章中的关键信息。Step . Listening 1. Play the audiotape. Have the classfollow the audiotape while looking at the text. And try to fill in T or F in the box: Jane became ill at the age of ten months old.( F ) Jane cant move her arms or legs after an illness.( T )Jane isnt able to brush her teeth, put on her shoes or make breakfast.( T )Jane lives in an active and happy life.( T )2. Correct the answer.听力是中考必考题型,分值的比重相比较以前有所增加,学生对听力的学习就我们学生来说本身就是一个很难突破的点,这也使得我们在日常的教学活动中忽略了听力教学的重要性,而本课就结合学生的特点,让同学们在听听力的时候可以打开课本跟听,慢慢让学生养成一种接受听力训练的好习惯,同时也为接下来同学们阅读课文回答问题做好了铺垫.Step . Reading 1. Have the classto read the text and answer the questions:What happened to Jane when she was ten years old? She became ill with a terrible diseaseHow old is Jane now? She is forty years oldDoes she have any children? Yes, she has two childrenWho is really disabled? People who dont know howluckythey are.2. Check the answerswhile give themsome important language pointsof the text. 这个环节主要目的在于让学生快速浏览文章,以便于找到问你题的答案,而非精度,也是为中考阅读答题方法的前期训练,可慢慢达到潜移默化的效果Step.Write the summary of the text.Let the students read the text carefully and discuss the blank in group, then check the answers.1.When she was _, She became _with a terrible _. She cant _her arms or legs. 2.Now she is_, she is unable to do many things.3.But she _ to try many things. She controls wheelchair _her mouth. 4.She is _and has _children. She likes to watch_. She enjoys _.5. I have a life_ good things. People who dont know _are really disabled.精度文章找出文章的重点句子和中心思想,有了热身部分的听力铺垫和听音后的反馈练习,这一部分的问题回答显得很简单. 语言点的理解也很容易了,并很快概括出文章的中心句.启发学生自己讲出要用健康的心理对待生活, 并珍视自己的健康.Step VI: Conclusion: Everyone hasproblems, if you think about your problems; you will have alifefull of problems. l Do you know who isreally disabled? People who don t know howluckythey are.No matter what happens, never give up!Because where there is a will , there is a way!通过前期文章学习,同学们对整片文章有了全面性的了解,回头去梳理一下文中的主旨内容,并对 Suppose(假设)等问题作出正面回答(让学生写在纸上进行展示)Step VI. Homework:Which of these thingsdo you think isthe most important: money, family jobs, health, good looksor friends? Why? Ask thestudentsto talk about each other. Using thisphrase: l I think that_ isthe most important because_. Step VII.通过关爱残疾人视屏短片结束本课。 让更多的人去理解残疾人,关爱残疾人! 四、 板书设计 Lesson5:Janes Lucky LifePara.1 ill with disease(disabled)Para.2 unable to do many thingsPara. 3 dares to try many thingsPara.4 looks after her two childrenPara.5/6/7 her attitude to
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