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教科版五年级上册Module 6 Weather Unit 11 Whats the weather like today?Period 1 Weather in different cities 教学设计 广州市白云区明德小学 王泳怡一、教学内容分析本模块的话题是”天气”,本节课是本模块第一个单元的第一个课时。“天气”话题虽然是本册书第一次出现的内容,但学生在二年级下册已经有简单的接触,初步学习了sunny, windy, rainy, warm, hot等与天气有关的形容词。但是询问天气情况的句型是第一次出现,因此,询问天气的句型是本课时的学习的重点,也是难点。本节课作为第一课时,我们要善于利用学生已有的英语基础,设置各种学习活动,让学生通过活动学习和运用英语,从而培养提高语言综合运用能力,以达到有效教学的目的。二、教学对象分析五年级的学生已有一定的英语基础,对于“天气”这种贴近生活实际的话题,比较容易引起学习兴趣,有利于调动学生学习的积极性。在教学中,我们应顺应他们的身心特点,设置形式多样的活动,让他们在大量的语言输入输出活动中自然地习得语言,引导学生养成良好的学习习惯和培养一定的思维品质尤为重要。三、 本课时教学目标语用任务:通过图片创设关于天气的语境,借助核心句型,通过转盘、同桌对话等活动进行口头训练,达成能询问和回答不同城市不同月份的天气的目标,要求表达较流利,语音语调基本正确。 (一)语言知识目标1. 学习本课的重点词汇(13个): weather, sun, sunny, dry, cloud, cloudy, warm, rain, rainy, wet, wind, windy, cool.2. 学习本课的重点句型: -Whats the weather like today? / Whats the weather like in . (地名) in(月份)?-Its . 3. 感知和理解不同城市天气的文本。(二)学习能力目标1. 能够说出天气的词汇,以及天气给人的感觉。2. 能够初步运用所学的句型询问天气并作出应答。3. 能够通过阅读文本,获取与处理关键信息。(三)思维品质目标在观察、运用、阅读文本等任务型教学活动过程中,通过思考、发现、分析并解决问题,发展学习能力,提升思维品质。(四)情感态度目标1. 能积极与他人合作,共同完成任务。2. 能对所学习内容主动练习和实践。(五)文化意识目标 引导学生关注不同地区的天气变化,注重关心自己与他人。四、教学重难点(一)教学重点1. 学习本课的重点词汇(13个):weather, sun, sunny, dry, cloud, cloudy, warm, rain, rainy, wet, wind, windy, cool.2. 学习本课的重点句型: -Whats the weather like today? / Whats the weather like in . (地名) in (月份)?-Its . (二)教学难点 询问天气的句型上口及应答。五、教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图Pre-learning1. Free talk2. Play a video: Whats the weather like today?1. Free talk2. Sing along.1.活跃气氛,拉近师生距离;展示本节课的课题;2.通过歌曲感知今天将要学习的内容;While-learning1. Teach six new words and a sentence pattern.2. Play the turntable game.3. Teach six new words and a sentence pattern.4. Play the turntable game.5. Play a game : Whats missing?6Review the twelve months.7. Look and say.8. Pair work.9. Lead in the dialogue. 10. Read and choose “T” or “F”.11.Read the dialogue.1. Learn the new words and sentence pattern.2. Play the turntable game.3. Learn the new words and sentence pattern.4. Play the turntable game. 5Read the words and say out the missing words.6Review the twelve months.7. Look at the pictures, learn the sentence patterns. 8. Practise the sentences in pairs.9. Guess, listen and answer. 10. Read and choose “T” or “F”.11.Read the dialogue.1.学习新词sun, sunny, dry,cloud, cloudy, warm和问答今天天气的句型。2.通过转盘游戏操练天气新词和句型;3.学习新词rain, rainy, wet,wind, windy, cool和问答不同城市天气的句型。4.通过转盘游戏操练天气新词和句型;5.巩固新学天气新词。6.复习12个月的表达,为下面的句型学习做铺垫。7.通过图片学习问答不同城市不同月份天气的句型;8.操练句型,加强学生对语言知识的反应与运用;9.创设情境,引出文本;10. 让学生带着问题阅读文本,培养学生获取与处理关键信息的能力;11. 阅读、理解对话,鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动;Post-learningSum up.Sum up the key words and sentence patterns.回顾、小结本节课的学习内容。Assignment1. Copy the new words.2. Read the dialogue on the sheet.3. Collect more information about the weather in more cities.(收集更多关于城市的天气资料)六、板书设计Module 6 Weather Weather in different cities today?A: Whats the weather likein. (地名) in(月份)?B: Its.(Period 1)评价区 重构文本:Weather in different citiesLily: Whats the weather like today?Tom: Its so cloudy. I think it will rain soon. Lily: The weather is always warm and wet in Guangzhou in November. Whats the weather like in Hangzhou now?Tom: In Hangzhou, its usually windy and cool in November. Lily: And what about Beijing? Whats the weather like in Beijing in July?Tom: In July, its usually very sunny and hot. And its dry, too.Lily: I hope I can visit many places.
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