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泉州一中0405年度 高一(上)英语期末测试题20051第一卷一听力:20分第一节:听下面五段对话,每段仅读一遍。1.Where does the woman prefer to live?A.In the city. B.In the countryside. C.Near the work place.2.What does the woman mean?AIts too hot. B.She knows the way to the river. CShe would not go with the woman.3.What does the boy really want to do?A.Take a bath. B.Wash his face. C.Eat more chocolate.4.What is the time now?A.10:10 B.10:20 C.10:305.Who was hit by the car?A.His dog. B.His son. C.His doctor.第二节:听下面五段对话,每段对话读两遍。听6段材料,回答第6,7题。( )6.What is the relationship between the two speakers?A.Father and daughter B.Teacher and student. C.Doctor and patient.( )7.Why was the girl late?A. Because she got up late. B.Because she missed the trainC.Because she called her boyfriend.听7段材料,回答第810题。( )8.What did the man blame(指责)air pollution on at first?A. Cars. B.people. C.Factories( )9.Why did the woman dislike the man driving to school?A. He missed a lot of exercise.B. He made travel inconvenient.C. He spent too much mony on hos car.( )10.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Husband and wife. B.Teacher and student.C.Boss and employee.听8段材料,回答第1113题( )11.Why are the pandas in danger?A. Because they can only live 100 years.B. Because they will have little food to eat.C. Because they are killed by people.( )12.What do the pandas eat in the wild?A. Only two kinds of bamboo plants.B. All kinds of bamboo plants.C. Little plants.( )13.What did the American scientists do to save the pandas?A. To plant more bamboo plants. B. To study if the pandas can eat some other foods.C. To raise the pandas in zoos.听9段材料,回答第1416题。( )14.How much will the sea level rise over the next century if the earth warms up?A.About 0.5metre. B.Over 1 metre. C.Over 1.5 metres. ( )15.Which of the following is possible the result of the warmer earth? A.Earthquake. B.Flooding C.Thick fog. ( )16.What will be the serious problem facing human beings? A.Widespread diseases. B.Extremely hot weather. C.Lack of food supply.听10段材料,回答第1720题。( )17.How much of the huge amount of water can we drink and use?A.97% B.3% C.5%( )18.What is the problem that faces the people of the world?A. They are thirsty now .B. They drink a lot of water.C. They dont have enough fresh water.( )19.How can we deal with the problem in the future? A.By using rainwater. B.By taking steps. C.By using sea water.( )20.How can we reuse water?A. With chemicals. B.By using salt C.By taking away the salt.II.选择题:20分21.It _ that another house be built here next year.A.is said B.is suggested C.is believed D.is told22。he wounded soldier lost _of blood.A.a great many B.a large number C.quite a few D.a great deal23._raining hard,but the workers kept on working outside.A. Though B.Though it is C.However it was D.It was24.Judging from _ number of seats, _ number of people were present at the meeting Aa; the Bthe; a Ca; a Dthe; the25.Measures must be _ to keep the factories _ going on polluting the rivers Ataken; from B.taken,不填 C.done;from Ddone; 不填 26. The foreigner said happily that it was the first time that he _ China Ahas been to Bhad been to Chad gone to Dhas been in 27. -I tried _ out the maths problem but I failed -Why not _ it some other way?Aworking, to try doing Bto work, try doing Cto work , try to do D.working, to try to do 28. You cant drive your car across the bridge, it _ Ais repaired Bis repairing Cis being repairedDhas repaired29.Not all the sudents smoke. This sentence means _A. None of the students smoke.B. Some students smoke,but some dontC. Many students dont smoke.D. All of the students smoke.30.Why did you _so much time watching TV? A.cost B.pay C.take D.spend31.The king had never seen _ horses_the man drew. A.such; as B.so; as C.so; that D.such; that32.Which is the largest bridge_was built across the river? A.that B.which C.where D.on which33.Its quite different from_I read last month. A.that B.which C.the one D.the one what34.The fire _about four hours before the firefighters could control it . A. was lasted B.lasted C.lasts D.has lasted35.The government of that country is trying to _the prices of foods and meat in order to please people. A. take down B.put down C.lay down D.bring down36.The new dictionaries are very useful.They _well and _ already. A.sell; have been sold out. B.sold; had sold out C.sell; sell out D.are sold; have b
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