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牛津深圳版四年级下册Module 2 My favourite thingsUnit 5 SportsSay and act&Learn the soundsContentsLearning objectives01Lead in02Lets learn03Lets do04Summary 05Homework 06Learning objectives语言知识目标:巩固复习单词、短语:us,table tennis,play football,play table tennis;能在相应场景下使用句型Does like playing?Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesnt.Would you like to?Sure.语言技能目标:能够用语言询问并回答他人喜欢的体育运动。Learning objectives学习策略目标:在课堂中能够全神貫注听课,并能独立思考表达自己的见解和感受;在听音、看图、观看视频、阅读绘本的过程中感知并学习语音、词汇、句型。情感态度目标:通过小组合作,提升团队合作的能力,养成互帮互助的习惯。Lead inWhere is Alice?Lets tell her about the football club.Shes in the classroom.Lets watchListen and sayHello,Alice.Listen and sayHello,Peter.Hi,Joe.Listen and sayTheres a new football club in our school.Peter and I want to join the club.Would you like to come with us?Listen and saySure.I like playing football!Listen and sayHow about Kitty?Does she like playing football?Listen and sayNo,she doesnt.Listen and sayWhat does she like doing?Listen and sayShe likes playing table tennis.Listen and sayTheres a table tennis club in our school too.She can join that club.Lets learntable tennisLets learn Would you like to come with us?你愿意和我们一起来吗?Sure.当然。这是询问他人是否想做某事的句子及回答。Would表示客气地征求意见。句型结构:Would+主语+like+to+动词原形+其他回答:sure./Yes,Id love to.(肯定)No,thank you.(否定)Hello,Alice.Listen and repeatHello,Peter.Hi,Joe.Listen and repeatTheres a new football club in our school.Peter and I want to join the club.Would you like to come with us?Listen and repeatSure.I like playing football!Listen and repeatHow about Kitty?Does she like playing football?Listen and repeatNo,she doesnt.Listen and repeatWhat does she like doing?Listen and repeatShe likes playing table tennis.Listen and repeatTheres a table tennis club in our school too.She can join that club.Listen and repeatLets role-playPeter&Joe:Hello,Alice.Alice:Hello,Peter.Hi,Joe.Joe:Theres a new football club in our school.Peter and I want to join the club.Would you like to come with us?Alice:Sure.I like playing football!Peter:How about Kitty?Does she like playing football?Alice:No,she doesnt.Joe:What does she like doing?Alice:She likes playing table tennis.Peter:Theres a table tennis club in our school too.She can join that club.Learn the soundsllsmalltallwallLearn the soundsOn the top of a tall wallSits a very small ball.A small girl and a tall boyStand behind the wall.Learn the soundsll/l/tallwallsmallballbelltellfellpullLearn the soundsLets learn moreGreat!We can join the football club with Alice.Kitty can join the table tennis club.Summary 1.Learn and review the words and phrases:us,table tennis,play football,play table tennis.2.Learn and review the sentences:Does like playing?Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesnt.Would you like to?Sure.Homework Must do:1.Listen and read the dialogue.2.Make dialogues with“Does like playing?Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesnt.Would you like to?Sure.”Choose to do:1.Talk about sports with your friends.
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