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牛津深圳版五年级下册Module3ThingswedoUnit8BuyingclothesReadastory&LearnthesoundsContentsLearning objectives01Lead in02Lets learn03Lets do04Summary 05Homework 06Learning objectives语言知识目标:学生能听懂、会说单词和短语 emperor,shirt,magic,clever,nod,cry,put on,keep quiet;能在相应场景下使用句型Which(pair of)do you like,the one or the one?I like the.;语言技能目标:能利用句型询问并回答对方喜欢哪一个。Learning objectives学习策略目标:在课堂中能够全神贯注听课,并能独立思考表达自己的见解和感受;在听音、看图、观看视频、阅读绘本的过程中感知并学习语音、词汇、句型。情感态度目标:通过小组合作,提升团队合作的能力,养成互帮互助的习惯。Lead inChildren,do you like beautiful clothes?There was an emperor who liked beautiful clothes very much.Who is he?Lets read and say.Lets watchListen and completeThere is an _.He likes beautiful clothes.One day,a man visits him with some nice clothes.“_shirt do you like?”the man asks.“I like the green one,”says the emperor.emperorWhichListen and complete“I _have some _clothes for you.Theyre in this box,”says the man.“Only _people can see them!”alsomagiccleverListen and completeThe emperor cannot see any clothes,but he _with a big smile.The man cries,“Oh,the emperor is so clever!”The emperor _the“new clothes”and gives the man a lot of money.nodsputs on Listen and completeThe emperor walks in the street in his“new clothes”.People _,but a child laughs,“Look!He isnt wearing any clothes!”keep quietLets learnThere is an emperor.emperor皇帝Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor in China.Lets learnWhich shirt do you like?shirt衬衫He wears a white shirt.Lets learnI also have some magic clothes for you.magic 魔法的Its a magic performance.Lets learnOnly clever people can see them!clever聪明的Hes a very clever man.Lets learnThe emperor cannot see any clothes,but he nods with a big smile.nod点头She nods at me.Lets learnThe emperor puts on the“new clothes”and gives the man a lot of money.put on 穿上She put on her coat and went out.Lets learnPeople keep quiet,but a child laughs,.keep quiet保持沉默Its a general rule to keep quiet in libraries.What does the emperor like?He likes beautiful clothes.Read and answerWhich shirt does the emperor like?He likes the green one.Read and answerCan the emperor see the magic clothes?No,he cannot.Read and answerWhy does the boy laugh?Because the emperor doesnt wear any clothes.Read and answerLets retellLets doAct out the story.The emperor likes beautiful clothes very much.One day,a man visits him.I have someGood.Where are they?Theyre in this box.Theyre very beautiful,butLets have a look then.Lets doAct out the story.I have some magic clothes for you.Good.Where are they?Lets doAct out the story.Theyre in this box.Theyre very beautiful,but only clever people can see them.Lets have a look then.Learn the soundsmouseowlouowLearn the soundsA tiny little mouseIs bowing to a cow.A big brown owlIs flying in the clouds.The owl wants toCatch the mouse.It hits the cowAnd calls out“Ouch!Ouch!”Learn the soundsou/a/mousehousesoundfoundcountLearn the soundsow/a/owlallowhowcowtownLearn the soundsLets learn moreWhat do you learn from the story?Share with us.Summary 1.Learn the words and phrases:emperor,shirt,magic,clever,nod,cry,put on,keep quiet;2.Learn the new sentences:Which(pair of)do you like,the one or the one?I like the.Homework Must do:1.Listen and read the passage.2.Make dialogues with“Which(pair of)do you like,the one or the one?I like the.”Choose to do:1.Talk about the clothes you like with your friends.
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