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高考重点词汇及阅读理解撰稿:范华 审稿:牛新革 责编:陈玉莲高考词汇表重点词汇用法spread(spread, spread)v. (使)伸展,(使)延伸;蔓延 I spread a new cloth on the table. 铺 The bird spread its wings. The fire spread quickly. The city spreads to the west. 向西延伸 薄薄地涂 vt. spread jam on the bread=spread the bread with jam (消息)传播;(疾病)蔓延 v. Flies spread diseases. They spread news/gossip. 流言蜚语 The news/disease spread quickly.standvi. 站立,站着 Stand still, or I cant take your picture.v. (使)竖立,摆;位于 A piano stands in the corner of the room. The house stood on the hill.vt. 忍受,忍耐 I cant stand this pain/hot weather. She cant stand working/to work all day.面对(考验)This building has stood the test of time. 经受了考验stand by 袖手旁观 How can you stand by and do nothing?支持 No matter what happens, I will stand by you.stand for 代替,代表 赞成,支持 He stands for the plan.stand out 显著,突出 He stood out in the crowd.卓越,杰出 Three of the cars stood out among/from the rest.n. 台;几;架 a TV stand; a music stand乐谱架;a pen stand 摊位,小店 a newsstand 报摊 a fruit stand 看台(c)staten. 状态,情况(c; 常用单数)He is in a poor state of health. The building is in a bad state. be in a state of war 国家,国(常State)the Secretary of State (美国)国务卿 The railroads belong to the state in the country. 属于国有 (美国等的)州 a state university 州立大学 the United Statesvt. 陈述,阐明,声明(用于正式场合)The Prime Minister stated that he would visit Canada soon.stayvi. 停留,暂住 stay for dinner/a week保持某种状态 stay awake/single/seated/openThe unemployment rate stayed below 4%.stay up=sit upn. 停留,逗留期间 Enjoy your stay here.stick(stuck, stuck) v. 粘,贴 stick a stamp on the envelope A piece of chewing gum stuck to my shoe.v. 陷入,卡住,被困住 Our car stuck(was stuck) in the mud. Are you stuck on the question? stick to 坚持(规则,想法,计划等)stick to the truth/plan n. 棍,棒;拐杖(c) sticky tape 胶带stilladv. 还,仍然 There is still another chance. 但还是,尽管如此 The machine is old. Still, it is of some help. 更,还要(与比较级连用) He is tall, but his brother is still taller.adj. 静止的,不流动的 stand still a still forest still water (场所)寂静的 a still evening/townstressn. (精神上)紧张,压力 (uc; c) He is under great stress because of his new job/the exam. 强调,重视(u) lay/place/put stress on foreign language education 重音,重读=accentvt. 强调 He stressed the importance of cooperation.strike(struck; struck/stricken) v. 打,击,撞,攻击,冲击 strike a ball strike a match The clock struck eight. (风暴、疾病)侵袭,突然到来 A very big earthquake struck that country many years ago. 给以印象;打动,感动:How does London strike you? 突然想到,引起注意:A bright idea struck her. It struck me that she was cheating me. 罢工:strike for shorter working hoursn. 罢工: be on (a) strike 袭击,攻击:air strikes striking: 显著的,引人注意的 striking differencessubjectn. 主题,题目,话题 the subject of the painting/poem主题 lets change the subject.话题 学科 We have to take ten subjects at least. subjective 主观的;主语的successn. (uc) 成功 Confidence is the key to success. achieve/attain/gain success 获得成功 成功者,成功的事 The meeting was a great success. succeed vi. 成功 He succeeded in getting the job. successful (unsuccessful) be successful in doingsuchadj. 这样的,如此的 such a good book n. 这样的人或物 Such was the situation we were facing. and such 等等 He bought books, pencils and such. as such 以那种身份/资格,名副其实 She is a kind woman and is known as such. 那是大家都知道的 本身 Money, as such, doesnt bring happiness. suchas 像的 I dont like such books as he recommends. suchthat 如此以致 It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.suffervi. 受()苦;患病 suffer from heart failure/the injuryv. 遭受(损失,损害,挫败)suffer loss/a defeat/a setback (挫败) The city suffered serious damage from the earthquake. sufferings n. 苦难 all the sufferings during the warsuggestvt. 建议;提出(计划,意见等)suggest a tour of EuropeI suggested going there by train.I suggested that we should go there by train.I suggested to them that they should go there by train.暗示,表明 His tone(语调) suggested that he didnt care about the matter.His pale face suggested that he was ill.suggestion n. He made the suggestion that we should go there by train.suitn. 套装 wear black suits and white shirts (为某种用途的)衣服 a diving/bathing suit 潜水服;泳装vt. 适合;合之意 Monday suits me fine. 对我再合适不过了The climate here suits me very well.(衣服的颜色,款式)适合于 The new dress suits he very well.be suited for/to 适合做,适宜于 He is suited for/to teaching.Your behavior wasnt suited to/for the occasion.suitable books suitable for childrensupplyvt. (长时间地)供给,提供supply vegetables us with vegetablesThe media supply lots of information to us every day.n. 供给,供应(uc)the suppl
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