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Unit 4 词汇课教学设计一、教学内容Vocabulary in Unit 4 Book 7 Go for it!二、教学目标1、掌握并能灵活运用本单元出现的重点词汇和短语2、掌握粗体词汇3、能运用所学解决相关情景中的一些基本问题,并能结合所给任务,综合运用新旧知识解决问题,鼓励学生依据自己的语言能力对所学提出独特的见解。4、激发并提高学生的学习兴趣,乐于接受新事物,勇于尝试体现课堂教学“主体者”的身份,积极主动参与教学环节,成为学习的主人。三、教学重难点本单元粗体词汇及相关短语truth truly四、教学活动设计Step 1、Have a try to read the words and phrases which students know.Step 2、Lead to read the words and phrases which students dont know or cant pronounceStep 3、Divide vocabulary into noun, verb, adjective ,.etc. make some students write down on the blackboard or read in (show the answers)V(suppose, copy, return, ate) n(message, envelope, semester, village, area, meter, decision, husband, start, danger) adj(mad, hard-working, nervous, own, true, disappointing, lucky, rural, thin)记忆点拨:1)、message 是可数名词,如a message(一个消息)而news(消息) information(信息) 是不可数名词,用a piece of news(一条消息)2)、true与truly(副词)真实地 truth(名词)真相,真理3)、lucky(形) luck(名) luckily(副) (反)unluckily4)、disappointing:令人失望的 (主语常为事物)而disappointed:失望的(主语常为人)如:He did so many disappointing things that we all feel disappointed with him(他做了如此多令人失望的事,以致于我们都对他感到了失望)5).decision决定(名)常用短语为make a decision to do sth (下决心做.) 动词形式为decideStep 4、Make as many phrases as you can, use the words above(eg: copy message, hard-working husband.)Step 5、play a gameFind as many words as possible(a b c d e f) such as: be bad bed fed deaf face bade deadStep 6、How many phrases are there in Unit 4? What are they? Do you know what are the similar meaning of these phrases? 记忆点拨:1)、be supposed to do sth与should do 在意义上等同例如:You are supposed to shake hands=You should shake hands(你应该握手)2)、get over 与overcome在意义上相同 例句:We should get over our difficulties.(我们应该克服困难)3)、care for 与look after , take care of 意义上相同4)、do well in (doing)类似于be good at (doing)如:Li Ming does well in math(李明在数学方面做的好)Li Ming is good at math(李明擅长数学)Step 7、Exercise timeangry=_ take a _ to sb(给某人捎个信) “He is good at math” means “he _ _ _ math”.“We decide to do sth” means “we make a _ to do sth”.The teachers often tell us not to c_ other homework.This is a t_ story, we all believe it.He comes from a p_ village, many families dont have much money.五、板书设计(略)六、教学反思(略)
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