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American and British parliamentary system comparative analysis(经管07级工商4班 于少东 0506)Abstract:Political institutions (set) belong to Political superstructure areas,generally refers to its socialQualitative adaptation of the national authorities and basic system. Political system and human society as the various systems,Is a product of historical development,with time and space mark. 1300 years ago,British bourgeois revolutionLater,the capitalist countries gradually establish and practice of the democratic politics and promulgated the constitution and constitutionalism,make gradually implementingCapitalism in the fields are developed.Both Britain and the political system has the same theoretical basis:natural rights theory and separationPrinciple;The specific content of political system includes parliamentary system,the electoral system,judicial system,the government system,Civil service system and political party system;etc. All flaunt peoples democracy,with the main forms of the representative for democracy,Power system running in the separation of powers and the characteristics of rule by law principle. The most fundamental capitalist countries asHome political system of two typical representative,Britain and the United Kingdom in the maintenance of bourgeois interests,safeguard endowment socialist private ownershipDegrees,carry out the bourgeois dictatorship has the same essence. But in concrete political system level and the two countriesSince the present different characteristics.Key Words:parliamentary system, culture; difference英美议会制度之比较摘要:政治制度(Political Regime)属于上层建筑范畴,普通是指与本国社会性质相适应国家权利机构和基本制度。政治制度与人类社会各种制度同样,是历史发展产物,带有时间与空间烙印。1300近年前,英国资产阶级革命后,资本主义国家逐渐建立和实践了民主政治,颁布了宪法并逐渐实行宪政,使资本主义在各个领域都得到了长足发展。英美两国政治制度具备相似理论基本:天赋人权学说和三权分立原则;政治制度详细内容都涉及议会制度、选举制度、司法制度、政府制度、公务员制度和政党制度等;都标榜人民民主,以代议制为民主重要形式;政权体制都实行分权制衡和法治原则特点。而最主线是作为资本主义国家政治制度两个典型代表,英美两国在维护资产阶级利益、维护资主义私有制度、实行资产阶级专政等方面具备相似本质。但在详细政治制度层面两国又各自呈现不同特点. 核心词:议会制度 文化 差别 British parliamentary systemA,introductionThe British parliament is known as parliaments mother. In Britain takes the lead in creating capitalist mode of production,and meanwhile takes the lead in creating a with the appropriateShould the constitutional system,which is the parliament for substantial part of the parliamentary system. The British parliament as the mother of parliament,reason has the following the items.The longest history. 1.If the model in 1295 convened for the beginning,then parliament,the British continuous parliamentary practice has so far more than seven hundred years. Only BritainParliament is concerned,the history of the long world no country parliament can watch with admiration.The British parliament historys preciousness is not only lies in its time long,but because it has experienced the contradiction of deep and complex,lies in its placeAccumulate experiences and lessons of the rich,lies in the parliamentary practice contains seven hundred years of enlightenment.2. Overthrow feudal monarchy struggle extremely fully and successAs with most countries,Britain had long feudal society period and accompanied by the feudal monarchy. However apart is,Also in the feudal monarchy,the British council will tenaciously speared out,and has been indomitable to bind kingship,until the kingship resolutely placedParliament bargainees under.British Kings feudal autocratic many tendency,have a plenty of dye-in-the-wood despot,and the parliament power bitterest. Therefore,the British parliamentIn the world know only have kingship and disown parliamentary authority era of kingship,without constraint again in various ways and sceptre struggle. Lawmakers to king pleaseMay,right themselves;Borrow the kings tax advice,attacking demands and discusses the princes and evil king sin. When peace parliamentary struggle can stop the kings autocratic throughWhen parliament with a command army,wang jun JueSi war. Parliament was even to abolish the monarchy and republicanism. After about five hundred years of innumerable backClose battle,parliament finally overcome the monarchy and aerial kingship,will be transformed into independent monarchy without ability of conduct national symbol,and make them work for parliamentary supremacySystem service.The British parliament for other countries overcome monarchy of similar revolution offers rich experience,one of the most valued is:use parliament financialRight with war beat fretting kingship,king,with overhead operation transformation kingship.3. Create new electoral systemBritain from feudal society period already formed a senate election systems,and have been used to the 19th century prophase. The feudal monarchy of parliamentThe electoral system facilitates the king called parliament,which is beneficial to the rulers and plute rig elections.Parliamentary-based,congress needs to build their own social basis. From 1832 onwards,the British parliamen
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