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祝贺信应用文写作时态人称一般现在时现在完成时第一第三人称第一段:写作目的-表示祝贺第二段:肯定他人的努力+自我收获第三段:再次祝贺+结尾常用短常用短语:1.恭喜恭喜/祝祝贺贺2.成成为现实3.很高很高兴听到听到congratulations to sb.on sth.express my congratulations on e truebe delighted to learn that.feel happy for you(r).4.实现目标5.因为.6.杰出表现 7.杰出的8.令人印象深刻的achieve the goalbe succeed in doing sth.owing to.because ofbrilliant performanceoutstandingimpressive9.显著的进步10.重大成就11.赢得第一名12.树立了好的榜样13.努力学习14.为.自豪remarkable progressmajor achievementthe achievement of.win the first placeset a good examplebe proud oftake pride inhard work常用句子开头句:寒暄句:1.好久不见。2.时光飞逝。3.随着时间流逝.Havent seen you for ages.How time flies!As time goes by.自我介绍:Im+姓名,+想介绍信息,a senior high school student.I am Li Hua,16 years old boy,a senior high school student.写作目的:写作目的:1.我我给你写信的目的是你写信的目的是.2.很高很高兴兴听到听到3.很高很高兴知道你知道你4.我想表达我我想表达我对的祝的祝贺Im writing to+v.原原How happy I am to hear that.I have learned with delight that youI would like to express my congratulations on5.我为你感到非常高兴6.是相当令人振奋的消息!I feel very happy for you(r)is quite exciting news!直接直接带祝祝贺目的:目的:1.祝贺你在祝贺你在.获得第一名。获得第一名。2.我写这封信是为了表达我对你我写这封信是为了表达我对你.成功的祝贺。成功的祝贺。3.我写这位信表达我对你我写这位信表达我对你.由衷的祝由衷的祝贺。贺。Congratulations on your winning the first place in.I am writing to express my congratulations on your success in.I am writing to offer you my sincerest congratulations on sth.中间过渡句细节信息如下1.Here is some detailed information.2.Here are some details about this activity.3.The following are some details about this activity.4.Some details about this activity are as follows.肯定对方的付出:1.毫无疑问,你的成功的部分原因在于你的.天赋。2.你在比赛中表现出了毅力,这促成了你最终的成功。3.是坚持和决心引导你一步一步地走向成功。There is no denying/doubt that your success partly lies in your talent for.You showed persistence in the competition,which contributed to your final success.It was persistence and determination that led you,step by step,to your success.4.对我来说你能取得冠军一点也不奇怪。5.如果没有你不断的努力,你就不可能取得如此显著的成就。It came as no surprise to me /is no surprise to me that you are the winner of.You couldnt have made such remarkable achievements without your continuous effort.自己吸取的经验:你的经历给了我极大的启发,因为当我继续前进时,他们为我指明了正确的道路。I am hugely inspired by your experience as they have pointed me on the right path when I move forward.结尾段:再次祝贺1.我想借此机会再次向您表示衷心的祝贺和最良好的祝愿。2.我将再次向你表示我最诚挚的祝贺。3.再次祝贺你,我期待着你的进一步发展成就。Again,Id like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to you.I shall,one more time,offer you my sincerest congratulations.Congratulations again and Im looking forward to your further achievements.祝好:1.我祝你将来取得更大的成功。2.我希望你的未来是灿烂的。3.愿在你的新消息里一切都进展顺利!I wish you greater success in the future.5.I hope your future will be glorious.May all goes beautifully in your new post!THANKYOU
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