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金洞镇中心小学2015年下六年级期终测试题英 语 班级 姓名学号一、 抄写。(9分)What did you do during the holidays?1、 I will bring a big bottle of orange juice.2、I can help them on the road.3、二、将下列短语和其相对应的解释连起来。(只填序号)(11分)( )1、take medicine A、小雪( )2、Christmas tree B、发送问候( )3、make tea C、好主意( )4、a few bars of chocolate D、吃药( )5、light snow E、沏茶( )6、shopping centre F、种更多的树( )7、send greetings G、几条巧克力棒( )8、plant more trees H、圣诞树( )9、good idea I、享受音乐( )10、see a play G、购物中心( )11、enjoy the music K、看戏剧三、单项选择。(20分)( )1、Katie always up early. A、getting B、gets C、get( )2、What did you do your holidays?A、during B、of C、in( )3、What can do?A、me B、I C、his( )4、We there last week.A、goes B、going C、went( )5、Mr Zhang is old teacher.A、a B、/ C、an( )6、She enjoys the mooncakes.A、eat B、ate C、eating( )7、What we to bring for the picnic?A、are ,go B、is , go C、are , going( )8、I can them on the road.A、help B、helping C、helps( )9、Here is a present you.A、to B、with C、for( )10、- with you? - I dont feel very well.A、What wrong B、Whats C、Whats wrong 四、选择不同类的单词。(20分)( )1、make B、take C、cake D、sing( )2、A、late B、always C、often D、never( )3、A、learn B、speak C、lotus D、go( )4、A、big B、longer C、smaller D、shorter( )5、A、bar B、can C、wait D、box( 6、cough B、feel C、headache D、fever( )7、A、search B、lotus C、send D、email( )8、A、save B、enough C、fresh D、colourful( )9、A、gets B、wave C、washes D、goes( )10、A、film B、greet C、plan D、play五、按要求写单词。(10分)1、big(比较级) 2、do(过去式) 3、learn(过去式) 4、get(3单) 5、wash(3单) 六、句子翻译我最行。(只填序号)(15分)( )1、I cant wait for tomorrow to come.( )2、We shouldnt waste water. ( )3、Which type do you like? ( )4、This bird is bigger than the first one. ( )5、Tomorrow will be clear in Bingjing.A、 我们不应该浪费水。B、 北京明天将会是晴朗的。C、 我等不及明天的到来了。D、 你喜欢哪种类型?E、 这只鸟比第一只更大。七、连词成句。(注意大小写及标点符号)(15分)1、mooncakes、enjoy、I、eating (.)2、can、 cakes、I、make (.)3、wrong、whats、you、with (?)4、bring、will、some、I、peanuts (.)5、a、you、fever、have (.)
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