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考场基本句型操练(教师)句型1: It is likely thatsb/ sth is likely that 1. He is likely to go home.2. It is likely that he is at home.1.那里的农民有可能在不久的将来过上好日子.The farmers living there are likely to live a better life in the near future2.人类有可能登上其它星球.It is likely that man sets foot on the other planets.3. 从他的表情判断, 他很可能已经知道了事情的真相.Judging by his looks, he is likely to have known the truth of that case.句型2: What suprises / delights/ shocks/ touches/ terrifies/ excites sb most is that 1. What moved us most was that Beijing succeeded in bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games.2. What delighted them most was that they had got several tickets for that exciting football match.1.使我们高兴的是实验成功了.What delighted us most was that the experiment worked out well.2.使我不解的是他在第二天早晨不辞而别.What surprised me was that he left the next morning without saying good bye to me.句型3: It is reported/ hoped/ believed/ said/ thought/ supposed/ considered/ announced / known to all that1.It is hoped that more and more people in the country will be living a better life.2. It is reported that three robbers robbed the bank of 1,000,000 dollars.1.人们相信人类和动物会和睦相处, 并成为朋友.It is believed that humans and animals will get along well with each other and become good friends.2.人们认为孩子们应该多参加社会活动,学会与人合作.It is supposed that children ought to take part in more social activities as often as possible so as to learn how to communicate and get on well with others.3.我们希望, 通过参与活动,能让孩子们了解社会和开拓视野.It is hoped that by taking part in social activities, the children will know more about the society and broaden their views句型4: . , thus doing . , only doing 1.The big fire spread quickly from house to house, thus destroying all the houses along the street.2.He stayed in that town for nearly a year, only getting used to the food there.1.那些村民砍伐了村子周围的树木, 结果使土地沙漠化了.Those villagers cut down the trees around the village thus making the fields sandy.2.大量的有毒气体进入空中, 结果污染了空气.A large amount of poisonous gases were poured into the sky, thus polluting the air seriously.3.他在考试时作弊, 结果是惩罚了自己.He cheated in the examination, thus punishing himself.句型5: so that such that too to1.He was in such a hurry that he fell over the chair by the doorway and fell heavily onto the ground.2.He was too nervous to say a single word.1.听到被北大录取的消息, 她兴奋得难以入眠.Hearing the news that she was admitted into Beijing University, she was too excited to go to sleep.On hearing the news that she was accepted by Beijing University, she was so excited that she couldnt fall asleep.When she heard the news that she would be a student of Beijing University, she had the least desire to sleep.2.道德教育非常重要, 很多学校都很重视.Moral lessons are so important that quite a lot of schools lay stress on them.3.世界之大, 无奇不有.The world is so large that everything could happen.句型6: was about to do when was doing when had just done when1.She was about to leave the lab when the electricity was cut off.2.He was flying to London when he heard that the flight would be delayed.3.He had just had his supper when the electricity was cut off.1.他正要去开门, 爸爸制止了他.He was about to open the door when his father stopped him.2.一家人正在观看新闻, 这时,来了一位不速之客.The family was watching the news on TV when an unexpected visitor came in.3.探险队刚出发, 大雨就倾盆而下.The exploring team had just started off when a heavy rain poured down.句型7. Such is1.Such is my motherland, which is rich in a large quantity of natural resources.2.Such is my father, a simple man with great achievement.1.这就是我想告诉你的Such is what I want to tell you.2.中华民族是一个勤劳,勇敢,说到做到的民族.The Chinese is a nation, one that is hard-working, brave and means what it says.Such are the Chinese, a nation that is hard-working, brave and means what it says.3.这个孩子就是这样一个热心肠的人,总是乐于助人.Such is the boy, a warm-hearted child who is always ready to help others.句型8.It occurs to sb that 1. It occurred to me that I had ever seen her before.2. It occurred to him that he had left the keys in the bedroom.1.我突然想起应该向民警求助.It occurred to me that I should go to the policeman to ask for help.2.他们突然想起几年前发生的一件怪事.It occurred to them that there was a strange thing that had happened several years before.3. 一看到她, 我突然想起要告诉她前几天有个陌生人来找过她.No sooner had I seen her than it occurred to me that I should tell her a stranger had asked for her the other day.句型9. It is up to sb to do1.It is up to you t look after the pet dog while I am out on business.2.It is up to the monitor to manage the affairs of our class when the teacher goes out to attend meetings.1.当我外出时, 由你来照看家里的一切.When I am ways on business, it is up to you to attend to everything of the house.句型10.There is no doubt that / aboutThere is no possibility that/ of There is no hope that There is no need to doThere is no point in doing.1.There is no possibility of finishing the work in such a short time.2.The
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