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人教新课标必修五Unit2The United Kingdom单元同步测试I. 单项选择1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain _ three main parts, England, Scotland and Wales A. is made up of B. makes up C. consists of D. is consisted of 2. The Tower of London, the St Pauls Cathedral and the Big Ben are major historical _ of London. A. sceneries B. place C. scenes D. attractions 3. Special entrances _ buildings should be constructed _ the convenience of the old and disabled. A. of; for B. to; for C. into; for D. to; with 4. During the debate, opinions were roughly _ into groups. One was for the suggestion that more money should be budgeted for the poor while _ was against it. A. divided; the other B. separated; the other C. clarified; other D. classified; other 5. His collection of ancient pots, old uniforms of the kings and splendid wedding dresses of royal family _ a small fortune. A. are worth B. is worthwhile C. is worth D. are worthwhile 6. To their _, the wrongs that had been done to them were finally _. A. surprise; made known B. disappointment; clarified C. delight; made clear D. delight; clarified 7. The little girl looked at the huge statue with a puzzled look, wondering why the color of it was not _ with its background. A. common B. similar C. same D. consistent 8. -What is your mother doing in the living-room? -_the flowers in the vase. A. Picking B. Doing C. Arranging D. Making up 9. When designing a project, you should be careful enough not _ that is important. A. to leave anything out B. to leave out anything C. to take out anything D. bring anything out10. Since we havent got enough money available, _ about sightseeing in that country. A. it is no need talking B. it is no need to talk C. there is no need talking D. there is no need to talk11. My little brother _ great delight _studying ancient architecture . A. picks; in B. devotes; to C. takes; in D. enjoys; by12. It is _ to make another effort and try to finish the work ahead of the time _ for it to be finished. A. worth; fixed B. worthwhile; made C. worthy; fitted D. worthwhile; set13. President Obama and his team of administration promised to try every means possible to _ 3,500,000 jobs and _ the goal of recovering its economy as soon as possible. A. create; accomplish B. invent; achieve C. discover; win D. attract; finish 14. His essay on political structural reform _ nationwide attention and there were many pros and cons from different fields. A. called B. attracted C. brought in D. set out 15. -She is a credit to her family, for she has a small fortune _ her credit. -A credit to her family? Her father has to buy his daily necessities _. A. on; on credit B. in; in credit C. to; on credit D. under; with credit 16. In his effort to prevent his company from _, he worked to his limit, thus _. A. breaking down; breaking down his health B. closing down; broke down his health C. closing down; his health broke down D. breaking down; his health breaking down 17. Unwilling to give up slavery, the South _ from the Union and set up a state of their own, resulting in the American Civil War. A. broke away B. ran away C. escaped away D. cut away 18. No matter how clever a computer becomes, it can never _ of humans, because it has to with artificial intelligence, which is made by us humans. A. take place B. instead of C. take the place D. substitute 19. We should express our love to our loved ones before their ears can still hear and their hearts can still _and made happier, not after they are gone. A. be thrilled B. excite C. thrill D. be excited 20. When our personal interests are _ those of people, we should put peoples interests before our own. A. conflicting B. in conflict with C. conflict with D. in conflict against 21. Not only do the two brothers look _but also they walk, talk and think _. Sometimes, it is hard to tell them apart. A. like; like B. like; likely C. alike; alike D. like; alike 22. Though I didnt _ the adventure into the rough countryside in the western part of the province in person, it was an enjoyable experience to listen to the adventurers _ of what they had experienced. A. join; account B. attend; statement C. join in; expression D. take part in; description 23. I dont want to have the question of what to furnish our room with _about any more. We have to make quick decision. A. quarrelling B. to be quarreled C. quarreled D. to quarrel 24. The fax machine, _ its attachments, cost only 100 dollars. It is really a good bargain. A. plus B. in addition to C. apar
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