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http:/kr.langfly.com 能飞韩语 http:/jp.langfly.com 能飞日语五个简单句子帮你玩转职场你英语口语不错,可就是说得不地道,特别是办公室英语,说起来总是带有浓浓的“乡土气息”。要想说得又好又地道,那就一起来“师夷长技以制夷”,学习下老外超爱说的工作英语吧!1. I couldnt agree more。我完全同意。实战一A: How about you?你是怎么想的?B: I couldnt agree more。我完全同意。实战二A: How to promote the new product?如何推广新产品呢?B: I think we should invest more money in marketing. Whats your idea, Jack?我想我们应该在营销上进行更多的投资。杰克,你认为呢?C: I dont agree. It needs too much fund. Meanwhile, wed better hold the old customers first。我不这样认为,这需要太多的资金。同时,我们最好先抓住老顾客。A: Yes, I couldnt agree more。是的,我完全同意。补充包Im all for it。我完全同意。I quiet agree。我完全同意。I agree completely。我完全同意。2. Ill do my best。我尽力而为。实战一A: Do you think you can do it?您认为你可以吗?B: Ill do my best。我尽力而为。实战二A: I want to congratulate you on the complete success of A project. You really did a good job。恭喜你的A项目取得圆满成功,你的工作真的做的很出色。B: Thank you, Jane. I appreciate it. It was a very interesting project. I really enjoyed working on it. Unfortunately, I must mention that, from what Ive seen so far, the B project doesnt go well. Is there any problem I can help with?谢谢,简。我很感谢。这个项目很有意思,我很喜欢干。不过,我不得不指出,根据我所了解的情况来看,B项目进展的不太顺利。有什么我可以帮忙的吗?A: Not really. Ill get it back on track. Im sorry. I think I jumped the gun。不用,我会让它马上步入正轨。很抱歉,我想是我太仓促了。B: Im sure you can deal with it。我相信你能处理的很好。A: Ill do my best。我会尽力的。补充包Ill try my best。我尽力而为。I did all I can do。我已经尽了最大的努力了。Thats all I can do。我已经尽了最大的努力了。http:/www.langfly.com 能飞英语 http:/word.langfly.com 能飞背单词
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