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Unit3 Our animal friends 1教学目标a.知识目标1.能听懂、会读、会说单词arm, body, foot, leg , tail, wing.2.能听懂、会读、会说、会初步运用句型I have They haveIt has来描述人物或动物特征。b.能力目标1.培养学生阅读能力及阅读技巧。2.能正确理解文本,并能灵活运用本课句型描述自己的朋友。c.情感态度目标1.引导学生观察比较,大胆开口说英语的能力。2.引导学生关爱身边的动物朋友,构建人和动物和谐共处的生态环境。2学情分析 五年级学生有了四年的英语学习基础,学习了很多动物名称,也学习了部分的身体部位名称。have和has在四年级也已经接触过。本单元的功能目标是能描述自己的动物朋友。现阶段学生的年龄特点和心理特点致使学生对动物这一话题非常感兴趣。3重点难点一、教学重点1. 能正确理解文本,并能流畅地朗读与表述。2. 掌握文中的重点句型I have They haveIt has,并运用于实际生活当中。二、教学难点正确理解句型:One is red and the other is black. They have no legs or arms.并能尝试运用。4教学过程Step 1 Warm up and revision1. Greetings and free talk: Nice to meet you, boys and girls. Im your new English teacher. You can call me Miss Wang. Boys and girls, what do you like? Do you like animals? OK, lets enjoy a song about animals. Please remember these two questions.Q1What animals are there in the song? Q2What can they do?(设计意图:free talk what do you like ?do you like animals?快速引入歌曲)2. Enjoy a song:What animals are there in the song? There is/are(学rabbit)What can they do? The can T:追问Can it.?(以歌曲形式复习there be 和 can 的句型,同时进行追问)3. BrainstormT: All right. What other animals do you know?(学生回答完之后将以前学过的动物图展现出来复习一遍)(设计意图:先让学生自己回忆动物,再整体复习下学过的动物)Step2 Preparation and leading in1. My animal friendT: You know a lot of animals, I have an animal friend. Can you guess what is it? I have an animal friend. It is grey. It has big eyes. ( ppt出现眼睛图)It has big_(做手势引导学生说出ears) (a long nose ,a big mouth.)-(设计意图:用肢体语言帮助学生复习一些身体部位)What is it?-elephantT: Look, the elephant has a big body too.(先让学生试读,学习a body) and it has a long tail.(做手势,学习tail) (设计意图:在猜出大象后,把body和tail教掉)Step 3 PresentationT: What a cute elephant !This is my animal friend. Do you have animal friends? Today lets talk about Our animal friends.贴课题1. Lets check Who has animal friends in this story?S: They are Mike , Liu Tao ,Nancy and Su Hai .(贴人物头像)(设计意图:用简单的问题检查学生的预习)2. Listen ,read and choose听录音阅读第一段,完成选择,并划出依据T: First, lets learn Nancys animal friends. Lets read the questions.(学生读题目)Learning Tips: OK. Open your books to p26, listen and underline the key sentences.(1)What colours are hey? From which sentence? one .the other.(学习 onethe other时用一个例句检查学生的反馈)(2)What do they have? (单词复数)bodies, tails (T: Do they have legs or arms?学习leg arm) from which sentence? S:It has no arms or legs (同样反问学习foot feet)(在此处学习几个身体部位 leg arm foot及其复数,以旧引新let-leg,farm-arm)(3)What can they do? They can swim.So Nancy has two-(fish)(本环节一是培养学生的阅读能力和技巧,养成找依据的习惯,这样即便不认识句子和单词,学生也能试着去完成)3. Think and sayHow to describe our animal friends? Red,black are colours. Bodyare features. Swim is ability.colour feature ability(引导孩子总结归纳,可以指着黑板的词进行提示,允许用中文)4. Group worksNow work in four, read picture2, 3, 4 loudly. Choose one animal friends to complete the form.5. Check the answersOk, time is limited. Lets check the answers. What colour is Ms animal friend? What does it have? What can it do? So it is a dog.各自总结出动物朋友,完成板书(设计意图:本环节是培养小组合作的意识,第一段带领学生学习,这里可以放手让学生学习剩下的三位动物朋友)Step4 Practice1.read after the tape2.choose one way to read(奖励动物贴纸)a.read one by oneb.read after onec.read together(奖励机制,鼓励学生去表现自己)Step5 Consolidation and extension1. work in pairsMake riddle1. Say something about your animal friends or the animal friends you want. Others guess what is it?其他同学猜动物。(设计意图:这里让学生自己去描述动物朋友或者想要的动物朋友,也是对本课知识的反馈,其他同学去猜这个动物一方面激发学生兴趣,一方面防止一个同学在讲,其他同学放空的现象,这里进行奖励)2. 情感教育(Animals are our good friends. No trading, no killing!)(通过欣赏一些人与动物和睦相处的图,进行情感教育)SummaryWhat can you learn from this lesson?(给出一些提示,比如feature)(此部分在时间允许的情况下,帮助学生整理复习本课知识:body features, how to describe animal friends? 此部分借助板书)Homework1.Listen and repeat the story. 2. Say something about your animal friends, then try to write them.
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