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人教版五年级上册英语试卷班级_ 姓名_ 成绩_一、听录音,选与录音内容相符合的一项,字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10分)( )1、A. bedroom B. bathroom C. classroom( )2、 A curtain B. conditioner C. kitchen ( ) 3、 A. closet B. clothes C. clean( )4、A. near B. here C. where( )5. A. mirror B. trash bin C. end table( ) 6. A. river B. living C. city ( ) 7. A. The sky is blue. B. The lake is blue. C. The sea is blue. ( ) 8. A. Miss White is my math teacher. B. Mr. White is my math teacher. C. Miss White is my music teacher. ( ) 10. A. I have a new room. B. We have a new classroom. C. We have a new classmate.二、听录音,判断句子或图片是否与录音内容相符(10分)1 垃圾箱 2.书架 3. 空调 4. 床头柜 5. 窗帘 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )6.Jack has blue curtains in his room.( )7.There is a shelf near the end table.( )8. We can see a big mirror in the bedroom.( )( )10. There is a bed, a table, and a closet in the room.三、.听录音,选出你所听到的句子的最佳应答,把答案填在括号里。(10分)( )1A.I like playing sports. B. I can play football. C. I often play basketball.( )2、 A. Its nice and small. B. Its red. C. Its in front of the park. ( )3、A. She likes fruits. B. She is beautiful. C. He is active.( )4、A. There are many fish in it. B. There are many desks in it. C. They are clothes.( )5、A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, I can.四、.听句子,写出所缺的单词.(10分)1. Can Sarah _ the _? No, she _.2. I _grapes. Theyre _.I have _ for lunch.3. Are there _ _ in the village? Yes, there are.4. What _ is it today? Its _.五、听短文,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的打“”,不正确的打“(10)( ) 1 Mikes mother is hungry.( ) 2. Mike would like some potatoes for lunch.( ) 3. The potatoes are salty.( ) 4. Bread is tasty.( ) 5.Cakes are Mikes mothers favourite food. 笔试部分六、选择合适的句子,将对话补充完整,将字母编号填在横线上。(10分)ABecause the air is fresh. B. Where is the village?C. Are there any trees in it? D .Whats in the village?E. Are the flowers near the river? F. Do you like the nature park.?G. Are there any flowers near the river? A: _? B: There is a river, a bridge and a mountain.A: _?B: Yes, there are many trees in it. .A: _?B: No, there arent any flowers near the river.A: _?B: Yes, I like the nature park.A: Why do you like it?B: _.七、阅读理解(阅读短文,选出与短文内容相符的选项,把它的编号写在左边的括号里)(每小题2分,共10分), because they are sweet. But my brother doesnt like apples. He likes oranges and grapes. I like Chinese class, because my Chinese teacher is very funny. I have four Chinese classes every week. I have many Chinese books on my shelf. ( ) 1. Jack is _. A. Chinese B. American. ( ) 2. Jack likes_. A. oranges B. apples. ( ) 3. Jacks brother doesnt like _. A. grapes B. apples. ( ) 4. Jacks Chinese teacher is _. A. funny B. active. ( ) 5. Jack has _ Chinese classes every week. A. four B.two. 八、选择合适的词语填空,使短文的内容完整。(每空只填一次,每线1分)(10分)(are, is, air-conditioner, sofa, wall, favourite, near, on, under, over, blue, isnt)I九、根据答句,写出问句。(每小题2分,共10分)1A: _? B: I can do the housework at home.2. A: _? B: No, there are many trees and small houses in the village.3. A: _? B: My curtains are blue.4. A: _? B: There are three people in my family.5. A: _? B: The chair is under the bed.十、作文:说明你在家里会做什么,不会做什么。不少于五句话。(10分)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 页码 / 总页数
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