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Unit6 Im going to study computer science. Hello, everyone, Today Im very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is Section A (1a-1c) in Unit6 .Part One Analysis of the Teaching Materials(一)Analysis of the textbook(教材分析)This lesson is the first one of Unit 6.So if the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.and This lesson is about listening and speaking. By studying like this , can improve their speaking and listening ability。Such a topic is related to daily life, so it is easy to raise learning interests and master the contents of the unit.(二)Teaching aims 1).Language goals A. Words & expressions :engineer,pilot, computer programmer. B. Key sentences: what do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be .2).Ability goals Enable the students to understand and use future intennsions.3)Emotion goals Enable the students to understand life and have their own life goals. Let the students have positive attitude to make their dreams come true. (三)Teaching key and difficult points1).Teaching Key PointsRemember the words about job and the usage of future intensions 2).Teaching Difficulties Train the Ss to use future intensions with” be going to” correctly. and How to make dialogues and act them out.(四) The teaching methods( Task-based” teaching method, Cooperative and communicative learning methods. Trying method.)As we all know: the main aims of learning English in Middle School is to cultivate students abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson Ill mainly use “Communicative” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method and trying method.Part Two Analysis of the students Although The students have learned English forone year, they have known somthing. However, they dont often use English to express themselves and communicate with others. Even some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.Part three Teaching ProceduresIll finish this lesson in eight steps. First Ill divide the Ss into three or four groups and bring a competition into the class. At last lets see which group is the winner.Step1 lead- inShow the Ss a picture of myself,and then a picture of a policewoman to express my goal when I was ten yeas ago.(When I was a middle school student, I wanted to be a policewowan.(with a picture)Of couse now,I am a teacher.Review the words about jobs we learned.(student,teacher,nurse,doctor, actor,actress, runnerbasketball player)Purpose :Through this part we can Arouse the students interest of studying English and consolidating what they studied before, and can prepare for the new lesson.Step II Presentation.This course is very important. Ill mainly talk about this step.Ill use CAI to present new words and the sentences. 1.Bring in new subject: what do you want to be when you grow up?你长大后打算做什么?(用一些孩子们的梦想展示引出句型)(SS may answer it with Chinese,ant T help with English)I want to be(a doctor,a teacher) 我打算成为.2.Other jobsL(present the new words with the related pictures.) Comuter programmer, engineer,pilot, scientist.3. a game: to remember words.and then finish 1a.4.practice the sentences with the pictures.(what do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be)5.then lead out :how are you going to do that?(learn examplc)Step III Listening (1a, 1b: ) 1. tell the Ss to read the words of the jobs in the chart.make sure they know the meaning of the words and the sentences.1. play the recording for the first time and fill in the blanks.( verb phrases)2. play the recording again to match the jobs with the activities.and then cheak the answer (. show the answers on the screen.)3. play the recording again and let the Ss follow it. 4. read the four conversations by groups.Purpose :Train the Ss listening ability and prepare for later exercises.Step IV Reading1. After finishing this task. Ss read Them by themselves to make sure they can read out correctly.2. read the four conversations.( I will present them on the screen). T ask:can you understand :How are you going to do that?” 你打算怎样去做?I m going to study computer science.我打算学习计算机科学。( write them on the blackboard) Be going toStep V.pair-work1.let Ss read the sentences with “be going to”.and teach!(学生自己总结出be going to 后接动词原形)2.give a model to the Ss.(1c) and then the Ss work in pairs ,try to ask and answer others plans using the information in 1b. then T can ask some Ss to answer Ts questions.3.ask some pairs to act out their conversations.4. Exercise:(a few choice)Step VI Do a surveyAfter learning 1b , 1c , let the Ss do a survey about others dream and how to make their dream come true. (what. How.)Purpose : This step can open the Ss eyesight and know the classmates better . Its
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