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初中英语口语对话练习:外出踏青Shirley: I love breathing fresh air in the suburbplaces, while sitting in the morning sunshine. Benjamin: I can”t agree more, honey. We need toget away from work from time to time. Shirley: Yeah, just return to nature and feel thethrills of its beauty. Benjamin: We are nor alone here. So many other families! Shirley: Sure. The sunny days of spring are ideal for outdoor gatherings. Benjamin: Well, let”s go over there and put a blanket on the lawn. Shirley: OK, you go back to our car and fetch the picnic stuff. (Benjamin picks up the whole bag of picnic stuff.) Benjamin: Oh, so heavy! What have you put in here? Shirley: Nothing special. Food, drinks, and Daniel”s kangaroo toys. Benjamin: Toys? Why do we need toys for a picnic? Shirley: He said he would like to be our “tour director” and he lined up many things to do. Benjamin: Sure, then. May it really be a day of enjoyment. Other than that, we can also teachhim something about science. Shirley: Science? What are you talking about? Forget about your science, OK? It”s a picnic! Benjamin: I mean we can inspire him for a deeper understanding of the natural world. Shirley: I can”t agree on that. Just cut it out. Give him a break and don”t spoil the day. Benjamin: Well, OK. you are always right. 雪莉:我喜爱这样到郊外,坐在早晨的阳光中,呼吸新奇空气。 本杰明: 我特别同意,亲爱的。我们就需要这样时不时地放下工作(出来玩)。 雪莉: 是啊,就这样回归自然,感受大自然令人感动的漂亮。 本杰明: 并不只有我们来这里哦,好多家庭都来了。 雪莉: 固然了。阳光明媚的春天最适合野外聚会了。 本杰明: 嗯,我们过去那边。把毯子铺在草坪上吧。 雪莉: 好的。你回到车上去把野餐的东西拿过来。 (本杰明拿起一整袋野餐用的东西。) 本杰明: 哦,真沉!你在这里面放了什么呀? 雪莉: 没有什么特殊的啊。食物、饮料,还有丹尼尔的袋鼠玩具。 本杰明: 玩具?我们野餐要玩具做什么? 雪莉: 他说要当我们的“野餐指导”,还列出了许多要做的事呢。 本杰明: 那好吧。盼望今日会成为欢乐的一天。而且我们还可以教他点自然科学学问。 雪莉: 自然科学?你在说什么啊?忘了你的自然科学吧,好吗?这是野餐! 本杰明: 我的意思是说我们可以启发他更深刻地了解自然界啊。 雪莉: 我不同意这么做。还是算了吧。就饶了他吧,别破坏轻松欢乐的一天。 本杰明: 那好吧。你永久都是对的。 经典背诵 Recitation Shirley: My husband and I are busy most of the time but we like getting away from work fromtime to time. Sometimes we go out for a picnic with our two children. We love it. It”s great tobreathe the fresh air in the suburb places, where you can feel the thrills of the nature”s beauty.Moreover, my son can always bring us great fun. Isn”t it great? 生词小结 thrill n. 感动 gathering n. 聚会 lawn n. 草坪 enjoyment n. 享受 spoil vt. 破坏 解释 from time to time 间或,有时 词汇扩展 Vocabulary Builder 关于各类动物的词汇 根底词汇 belt fish 带鱼 carp 鲤鱼 catfish 鲶鱼 cod 鳕鱼 eel 鳗鱼 salmon 三文鱼 squid 鱿鱼 tuna 金枪鱼 提高词汇 hedgehog 刺猬 lizard 蜥蜴 peacock 孔雀 penguin 企鹅 puppy 小狗 seagull 海鸥 turkey 火鸡 家庭总发动 Do it together 两人一组,一方随机大声读出上面词汇的中文和英文,另一方用该词汇填入下面的句子,大声朗读出来并将句子翻译成中文。 We can also teach him something about ( ). 例 家长读 carp 鲤鱼 孩子读 We can also teach him something about carp. 我们还可以教他有关鲤鱼的学问。
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