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四年级英语外研版下册知识点总结计划外研版四年级英语下册知识点总结Module 1要点单词:nice 好的友好的a bit 有一点shy 害羞的clever 聪慧的aunt 姨姑naughty 调皮的little 小的年幼的cute 可爱的uncle 叔舅短语1、my friends 我的朋友们2 、a bit shy 一点儿害羞的2 、a nice teacher 一位友好的老师4、a clever pupil 一个聪慧的小学生5 、a very naughty bird 一只特别调皮的鸟儿6 my big brother 我的大兄弟(哥哥)7 、my little sister 我的小妹妹要点句型:1. She is a nice teacher. 她是一位友好的老师。2. Parrot is very naughty . 鹦鹉特别调皮。3. Xiaoyong is a very clever boy. 小勇是一个特别聪慧的男孩。4. This is my mother. She is very nice. 这是我妈妈,她很好。Module 2要点单词:about 对于beautiful 漂亮的long 长的many 好多old 古老的famous 有名的短语1、一本对于伦敦的书a book about London 2、来自,(是, 人)be from , 3、英国的国都the capital of England4、白金汉宫Buckingham Palace 5 、女王的房屋the Queen s house 6 、泰晤士河the River Thames7、在河上on the river 8 、大本钟Big Ben 9 、海德公园Hyde Park 10 、塔桥Tower Bridge要点句型:1. This is a book about London. 这是一本对于伦敦的书。2. London is a big city. 伦敦是个大城市。3.Whose house is it? 这是谁的房屋?it s the Queen s house 这是女王的房屋4. A: Is it your house? 那是你的房屋吗?B :No, it s the Queen s house. 不,那是女王的房屋。5. This is Hyde Park. It s very beautiful. 这是海德公园,它特别漂亮。Module 3要点单词:robot 机器人everything 全部事情one day (总)有一天housework 家务learn 学习our 我们的短语:will + 动词(原形)表示“未来做. ”1、do everything 做全部事2 、talk 说walk 走路3 、do the housework 做家务4、help children learn 帮助孩子们学习5 、do our homework 做我们的作业6 、next week 下周7、a holiday 一个假期8 、go swimming 去游泳9 、play with my friends 和我的朋友玩10、go to the park 去公园11 、do my homework 做我的作业12 、visit my grandma 拜见我的奶奶13、help my mother 帮助我妈妈(做家务)14 、read my books 看我的书要点句型:1. One day,robots will do everything. 总有一天,机器人会做全部事情。2. A: Will they do the housework? 他们会做家务吗?B: Yes, they will. 是的,它们会.No ,they won t. 不,它们不会。3. On Monday I ll go swimming. 我礼拜一去游泳。Module 4要点单词:take 带,拿走picnic 野餐great 太好了why 为何because 由于so 因此短语:Will you.? Yes, I will. / No, I won t.Will it.? Yes, it will. / No, it won t.1、Monday 礼拜一Tuesday 礼拜二Wednesday 礼拜三Thursday 礼拜四Friday 礼拜五Saturday 礼拜六Sunday 礼拜日2、on Saturday 在礼拜六3 、have a picnic 举行、进行野餐4 、take your kite / ball 带上你的风筝/ 球5、The Weather Tomorrow 明日的天气(状况)9、be windy 起风的10 、be hot 酷热的11 、be cold 严寒的12、be sunny 明朗的13 、rain 下雨14 、snow 下雪要点句型:1. A: Will you take your kite tomorrow? 明日你带着你的风筝吗?B: Yes, I will. No, I won t. 是的,我会。不,我不会。(注意情连)2. On Saturday we re going to have a picnic. 礼拜六我们要去野餐。3. A :Why not? 为何不呢?B :Because tomorrow is Friday . 由于明日是周五。4. A: What will Shanshan do on Monday? 姗姗礼拜一要干什么?B: On Monday she ll play with her friend ,5. A :Will it be windy in Beijing? 北京会有风吗?B :Yes, it will. 是的,会.No, it won t. 不,不会。Module 5第- 1 - 页共3 页要点单词:old 年长的young 年青的strong 强健的clean 洁净的dirty 脏的短语:1、过去式:发生在过去的事情用过去常和then (那时)或yesterday (昨天)一同用2、be 动词过去式:was ( is/am 的过去式)我(I) 、他(he 、she、it )、一人+ waswere ( are 的过去式)你( 们)(You) 他们(they )我们(we)+ were否认式:wasnt werent3、反义词then (那时)now(此刻)old (老的)young(年青的)long (长的)short (短的)big (大的)small (小的)good(好的)bad(差的)tall (高的)short (矮的)fat (胖的)thin (瘦的)clean (洁净的)dirty (脏的)4、that little girl 那个小女孩5 、so short 这样矮6 、so cute 这样可爱要点句型:1.I was two then. 我那时候2 岁。2.Who is that little girl ?那个小女孩是谁?3.They were young then. 他们那时候很年青。4.It wasn t clean then.It is clean now 。它以前很不洁净,它此刻很洁净Module 6要点单词:Very well 特别好yesterday 昨天lesson 一节课短语:1、要点句型:Were you.? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn t.Was it.? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn t.2.yesterday 昨天3.play in the sun 在阳光下嬉戏4.at home 在家5. Chinese Lesson 语文课a very small village 一个特别小的农村要点句型:1. Were you at home yesterday? 你昨天在家吗?2.Was it sunny in London yesterday? 伦敦昨天是晴日吗?Yes,it was. / No it wasn t.3.Was it a big city then? 它过去是个大城市吗?4.It was a very small village then. 它过去是个小农村。Module 7要点单词:have( 过去式had) 度过,有phone( 过去式phoned) 打电话cook ( 过去式cooked) 煮东西wash ( 过去式washed) 洗东西do ( 过去式did) 做play( 过去式played) 玩watch( 过去式watched) 看listen ( 过去式listened) 听talk( 过去式talked ) 说短语:动词的过去式规则动词:+ ed / d 不规则:没有规律,要背诵1. help Mum ( 过去式:helped) 帮助妈妈2. phone grandma ( 过去式phoned ) 给奶奶打电话3. wash clothes ( 过去式:washed ) 洗衣服4. cook fish ( 过去式:cooked ) 做鱼5. cook noodles 煮面6.listen to music ( 过去式:listened ) 听音乐7.walk in the park ( 过去式:walked ) 在公园里漫步8.talk with some friends ( 过去式:talked ) 和一些朋友聊天9. play on the computer ( 过去式:played ) 玩电脑10. watch TV ( 过去式:watched ) 看电视11.What about. ?. 怎么样?要点句型:1. I cooked noodles yesterday. 我昨天煮面条了。2. He played on the computer and watched TV. 他玩电脑和看电视。3. I phoned grandma yesterday. 我昨天给奶奶打电话了。Module 8要点单词:beautifully 优美地,悦耳地game 游戏,竞赛have a good time 过得快乐短语:动词过去式(不规则)原形过去式sing (唱歌)sang have (度过)had go (去)wentsee (看见)saw eat (吃)ate drink (喝)dranktake (拍摄)took make (制作)made1. have a picnic ( 过去式:had) 进行野餐2. go there ( 过去式:went) 去那边3. see some bird ( 过去式:saw) 看见一些小鸟4. sing beautiful ( 过去式:sang) 唱歌悦耳第- 2 - 页共3 页5. eat some food ( 过去式:ate) 吃一些食品6. drink some drinks( 过去式:drank) 喝一些饮料7. dance ( 过去式:danced) 跳舞8. play game ( 过去式:played) 玩游戏9. have a busy day ( 过去式:had) 度过快乐的一天10. take some
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