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Unit 4 How do you get to school?第一课时教学设计设计理念:英语课程的任务是:激发和培养学生的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,低年级学习英语的积极性很高,可持续性不强,新课程标准倡导“任务型教学”,要求老师避免传统教学中单纯的 传授语言知识的教学方法。本课设计的任务是“学会通过某种交通工具到达学校的 ”,在教学过程中,运用各种教学手段和方法,使学生学得快乐。Lesson plan:1. 学习有关的交通工具的单词和短语。take the subway take the bus take the train ride ones bike walk station.2.句型: How do they get to school/places?How does he get to school/places?Teaching Objectives:(1) Knowledge Objects:1. 让学生掌握有关交通工具的名词并单独读出;2. 能正确读出下列人名:BobPaulJohnMaryYang Lan(2) Ability Objects:1.使学生掌握并能在口语交际中运用句型:How do you get to school/places?How does he get to school/places?2.Listening skill(3)Moral Objectknowing about some traffic rules.Main points:key vocabulary: subwaytake the subway trainride a bike take the subtake the trainwalktake a taxi.difficult points:让学生正确使用语言-How do you get to places,Dave?-I walk.How about you ,Sally?-How does Emilio get to school?-He takes the train.Teaching Aids:1. Listening methods.2.Writing methods. 3.PairworkProcedures:Step1:Greet the class.Step2:Learn new words.Look at some pictures.(show some pictures)让学生看到各种交通工具来认识,猜对对学生说Oh,youre right,然后教用英语怎么说,再出示其它图片,让学生一一认知。或(通过生活中的所见来猜谜也可以进行) Step3.Section A.1a.Look at this picture(出示课件中的图片)进行task,词汇方面给予帮助:如take the bustake the traintake the subway.,然后让学生跟读。Task1:T:Can you see a bus?S1:Yes. T:How do you get to school? S1:I walk. Task2:Let students say how other students get to school,finish 1a.Step4:1b.work in groups of three.Talking about what each person is doing in the picture?Task:将设计成连线题。1 Bob walk2 Mary take a bike3 Paul take the train 4 Yang Lan take the subway5 John take the busNow listen to the conversation.Please write the number of the name in the white box.then check the answers.Step5:Pairwork.S1:How does bob get to school? S2:He takes the train.Step6: Let do some exercises.Step7:HomeworkDO you know your parents go to work?Next class I ll ask some of you to tell me the answers.反思:新课标中要求教师在教学中要面向全体学生,在本节课中我创造一些条件,尽可能收集相关的图片来教学,引导学生联系实际生活进行对话,鼓励学生大胆参与和模仿,在pairwok 部分中,让学生做出对对话细节的描述,告诉老师常用什么方式去学校等。
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