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剑桥少儿英语1级上册UNIT1-5口试试题1. Read the words:A D T S Gcamera mat bag cat hat2. Ask and answer:1). Hello! Good morning (afternoon)!2). Whats your name?3). How old are you?4). Whats this? (bag, book, hand, leg, pencil)5). Whats that? (bag, book, hand, leg, pencil)3. Read the text:Unit 1 Part 5B1. Read the words:M N E P Tone seven ten three two2. Ask and answer:1). Hello! Good morning (afternoon)!2). Whats your English name?3). How are you?4). Whats this? (bag, book, hand, leg, pencil)5). Whats that? (bag, book, hand, leg, pencil)3. Read the text:Unit 1 Exercise 3C3. Read the words:B T W N Gmat hand leg desk pen4. Ask and answer:1). Hello! Good morning (afternoon)!2). Whats your name?3). How old are you?4). Whats this? (bag, book, hand, leg, pencil)5). Whats that? (bag, book, hand, leg, pencil)3. Read the text:Unit 2 Part 1Listening听力局部I. Listen and tick听句子,在相应的空格上打 Cat DogMouseMonkeyHippoTigerCow drink milk climb treecatch a mouse run very fast eat the grass climb mountains swim in the sea II. Listen and choose the right words听句子,选择适当的词填空 1. _ are you going? (What, Who, Where) 2. _ the weather like today? Its rainy. (Whats, Whose, Wheres) 3. Is that dog yours? Yes, its_. (my, me, mine) 4. I often _ TV on Saturday. (water, wash, watch) 5. I have Chinese, Maths and English on _. (Saturday, Tuesday, Thursday) 6. Kate is thin. Betty is _ than Kate. (thin, thinner, thinnest) 7. The giraffe is the _ animal in the world. (tall, taller, tallest) Reading and writing读写局部I. Fill in the blanks填空完成单词T_esday星期二w_ndy刮风的_nglish英语br_ad面包s_me一些 M_nday星期一 cl_udy多云的Ch_nese汉语w_ter水_ny任何的 II. Fill in the blanks把单词的适当形式写在相应的横线上 hotter, easier, hottest, easiest, buses, working, tries, came, women, running, has, took, boxes, having, washes, went, men, flying, goes, got 名词复数bus box man woman -ing形式 work have fly run 第三人称单数 try wash go have 比拟级级 easy hot III. Read and match在相应的词语之间连线 see films cinema play TV read books library watch football swim hospital climb bikes see a doctor swimming pool ride mountains learn English school draw pictures IV. Multiple choices选择填空 ( ) 1. Where are you going? Im _ to the supermarket. A. go B. going C. went ( ) 2. _ the weather like today? Its cloudy. A. Whats B. Whose C. Wheres ( ) 3. Whose pet is this? I think its _. A. my B. me C. mine ( ) 4. Do you often play tennis? _ A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I am. ( ) 5. Is she happy? No, she _. She is sad. A. is B. isnt C. cant ( ) 6. How many days _ in a week? There are seven. A. there are B. there is C. are there ( ) 7. The panda is strong. But the tiger is _ than the panda. A. strong B. stronger C. strongest ( ) 8. The sheep is big. The elephant is bigger. The hippo is the _ of the three. A. big B. bigger C. biggest ( ) 9. _ is today? Its Tuesday. A. What B. What day C. Where ( ) 10. Can you swim in a pool? No, I _. A. can B. cant C. dont ( ) 11. Where are my books? Theyre _ your bag. A. not B. between C. in ( ) 12. What does your father often do? He often _ some English classes. A. have B. has C. had V. Read and fill in the blanks. 读句子,选词填空 1. The blue whale is the _( big, bigger, biggest) animal in the world. 2. The whale shark is the biggest _ (animal, fish) in the world. 3. The Giraffe is the _ (tall, taller, tallest) land animal in the world. 4. The tiger is _ (stronger, strongest, taller) than the giraffe. 5. The rabbit is _(quick, quicker, quickest) than the panda. 6. The cat is _ (small, smaller, smallest, taller) than the dog. 7. Which is _(fat, fatter, fattest), the elephant or the monkey? 8. Who is _(old, older, the oldest), the son, the father or the grandfather? 9. Kat
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