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出国日常英语(一)1、飞机上Passport 护照 health certificate 健康证明 luggage行李 declare申报(纳税品)value价值 customs duties关税 Declaration (纳税品的)申报,申报单 Allowance 限额 spirit烈酒 check in 入住 check out退房 foreign exchange外币兑换处 Ticket office售票处 pay phone公用电话 rent-a-car office 租车服务处 restroom厕所 blanket pillowBoarding pass captain机长 emergency exit fasten seat beltFlight attendant空中乘务员 lift vest/jacket救生衣 transit pass 过境证Hello. Which way should I go? 上飞机询问座位。 Is it free? 是不是免费?This seat is non-smoking, isnt it? I have has enough. Thank you. 我吃够了。What kind of soft drinks不含酒精饮料 /beer啤酒 /wine /Scotch威士忌 do you have?Can you tell me how to turn on the reading light?如何打开阅读灯吗 Adjust the air-ventilation/ recline the seatWhat did she say in the announcement?询问机上广播内容Are we arriving on schedule? 我们是正点到达吗? Behind schedule 晚点 / ahead of schedule 提前Whats the best way to get downtown from the airport? 从机场到城市采用的最好方式是什末 How do I fill out this form?询问海关如何填写。2、在机场Cart 行李车 air fare 机票价 alien外国人 arrival time 到达时间Baggage claim area 行李提取处 boarding gate/ time E/D card=Embarkation/Disembarkation card出入境登记卡Nationality occupation职业 quarantine 检疫transit 过境Transfer 转车转机 identification(ID) 身份证明 security check 安检 stop over 中途停留stand-by(在机场)侯位,候补 terminal终点站 Is this the line for non-residents? 外国人是排这一行吗?I have nothing to declare. 没有什么要申报的。 All these are private items/things.I just have clothes and personal belongings/items. Whats the purpose of your visit? I am here to attentd the World Telecom 99.Is this the baggage claim area from British Airways 123? 某航班行李提取处。Where can I have someone paged?请求广播呼叫 How long are you going to stay in this country? 15 days. 待多久?15天 Where is the information counter? 问讯处在哪里?转机transit行李确认:I have a connecting flight on EK401. Where do I check in my baggage? Where is (Where can I find)the EK check-in counter?登记柜台在哪Can you change these dollars into L.E., please? 请将这些美元换成卢比。Could you include some small change?可以给我一些硬币零钱吗?Whats the exchange rate today? 今天的兑换率?Is there a change machine around here? 有没有兑换机?Id like to pay with travelers checks/with credit card/in cash.旅行支票/信用卡/现金 3、在酒店Do you have a room available for tomorrow night? 你的房间是住到明天晚上吗 Do you have any vacancies tonight? Single/ double/twin room 单人房/双人房/双床房提到我的房间My name is Lee. I have a reservation.有预约Would you carry my suitcase to my room, please? 请把我的行李 Bellboy 服务生Will you make up my bill tonight? 请今晚把帐结好,明早退房好快速结帐。Who is it?应门。哪一位? Im very sick. Can I call a doctor? 我很难受,请给我找医生 How much is the fare? 车费与付费方式。I would like to make an overseas call to China, please.(local call domestic call overseas call)Can you fax this to China? 请把这个传真到中国 Im check out. 我退房 Can you send a bellboy up? 你能提供叫醒服务吗 Will you give me a wake-up call at seven oclock tomorrow morning? 请在明早七点叫醒Whats this amout for? 这项款是什么费用?4、交通Where is the bus stop for Chinatown? 到中国城的汽车站在哪 How often does this bus run? 汽车多久一趟?Which bus do I take to go to the National Museum? 哪辆车是到 How much is the fare?车费多钱Where do I get off to go to World Park? 世界公园在哪站下车 Can I get a subway map? 能给我一份地铁站目表吗Whats the sleeper fare?卧铺多钱Would you call a taxi for me? 你能给我叫辆出租吗Id like a round-trip ticket from Chicago to Boston on the 13th? 我想要一张从芝加哥到波士顿的来回票Do you have any cheaper tickets? 有便宜一点的票吗Id like to confirm my reservation. 我想确认一下我的预约Id like to check in these two suitcases.行李托运 Can I have a window seat?我能坐窗口的座位吗Id like a compact car that gets good mileage? Can I rent a car for just one day? 我能租一天的车吗 How much do you charge for that car? 你租那辆车多钱 Id like to have full insurance. 5、餐饮baked放在烤箱烘烤的 boiled煮的 broiled直接用火烧烤的 deep-fried 炸的 Marinated 卤的 mashed捣碎的 poached用水煮的sliced切片的 Smoked 熏的 steamed 蒸的Do you know any good restaurants around here?你知道附近有好点的餐馆吗? Excuse me. 打扰了Could I have a menu, please. 请给我份菜谱Id like to make a reservation for two at seven tonight? 今晚七点我在餐馆订了两份 个位置 Is this dish very spicy(辣)? 鱼是否很辣?6、购物Is there a department store near here? 附近有超市吗? Where are the womens shoes? 女鞋在哪卖?Im just looking. Thank you .我只是看看,谢谢How much is this, including tax? 上税后这个多钱?Can you give me a discount?你给个价?I will take this one. 我买这个。I am looking for something a little different.
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