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英语口语话题讨论:爱情与婚姻It is better to remain single than settle for someone incompatible.宁可单身也不情愿随任凭便就嫁人(宁缺毋滥)。 Marriage and hanging go by destiny. I stick to the idea that God must have created the very man for me. Though the future seems obscure now, Mr Right must be waiting for me. As an independent lady, I should. be responsible for my choice, especially the choice about my marriage is of vital importance either for me or for my partner. I don”t want to marry someone in haste just because my peers have got married. I am sure he must be busy on the way, too. All that I need to do now is to wait with patience. Just as the old Chinese saying goes: Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there.婚姻和死亡一样,都是命中注定的。我坚信上帝已经安排了一个适合我的人。虽然将来布满了不确定,但是我的白马王子肯定正在某个地方等着我。作为一名独立的女性,我应当对自己的选择负责,尤其是婚姻,由于它不管对于自己还是另一半都是至关重要的。我不盼望自己是由于看到同龄好友嫁了人才犹迟疑豫牵强选择结婚。我始终都信任我的那个“他“也在劳碌地查找着我,而我现在需要做的就是急躁等待。就像中国的一句老话“有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫“。 Love can be built in a real marriage.爱情是可以在婚姻中培育的。 Love is divine while marriage turns out to be more realistic. The family life covers much more than the passion between the couple, responsibility and trust count, too. To this end, an excellent boyfriend can not guarantee a perfect husband. It is the tolerance and understanding in marriage that generate a happy family. Every man has his faults. If we expect perfection from others, it can only result in disappointment and loneliness. Fair evaluation toward both parties is indispensable for a marriage and the efforts made by the couple turns out to be more prominent in the success of a marriage.爱情是神圣而美妙的,但婚姻却往往特别现实。婚姻生活包含的不仅仅是爱侣之间的激情,还有责任与信任。因此,一个优秀的男朋友并不肯定可以成为一个完善的丈夫。只有相互容忍、相互理解才能组建起一个幸福欢乐的家庭。人非圣贤,孰能无过。假如我们寄予对方过高的要求,最终自己只能是绝望并再次陷入孤独。因此,相互赐予合理的评定在婚姻中是必不行少的。夫妻两人一起努力共同进步才能造就一段美妙婚姻。
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